What is Reality?


No idea…
I only (think I) know what I (think I) know…


Seeing as how we program what we experience in life, and rarely do people perceive the same - reality is subjective, and therefore there is no “reality”. Just another buzzword.


Interesting view, I kind of agree, yet I think, in my subjective view :grinning: that there is an Objective Truth/Reality as well, although perceived differently/subjectively by each one of us…

Also, what if Reality is actually Morphing, it is Not stationary/fixed, but Presents itself in a Billion of billion ways (?)…

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yep that’s life in a body on planet earth . . .

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pretty much this.

what characterizes our existence is an state of confusion that we take as a certainty, and we are anchored to that, to function and stablish relationships with each other.

this confusion that stabilizes us is what Zizek calls reality, and becomes de-stabilized in cases of psychosis, for example.

that’s why analysts create metaphors for psychotic patients, to anchor them back into our shared state of certainty that we call reality, so they are able to function again in society.

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I gotta love that phrase :slight_smile:


Reminds me of Terence Mckenna, he said,

“The laws of physics are breaking down!”

“I"ve seen it before”

He had this idea about habit and novelty in nature, that there are not such laws but rather habits and novelty.

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Its a training program for consciouseness so it could learn to be more conscious and then create training programs for other consciousenesess


A more interesting question to ask is what is language.

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A cool quote from Lacan:

“I identify myself in language, but only by losing myself in it like an object.

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Definitions don’t create meaning, they cut themselves off from meaning. To define is to destroy, cause lifelessness.