What is the best field for protection from psychopaths?

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Try this from sapiens insta

or this

or this

or if you have a budget for paid fields I’d recommend this


Thank you for replying! The first one you suggested doesn’t have a name on it. I’m currently using the following:

Repel negativity
Clear all negative energy
I’m even using exorcism thinking it might help :woman_facepalming:t2:

I was thinking that maybe I attract them coz I’m an empath and I recognize there’s a problem with them almost instantly and that’s when all the problems start. You suggested one for empath which I’ll checkout for sure.

Yes I would like to buy a field for protection I really need it can’t live like this.

The one you suggested says “cloaking” and also “blocks subliminals” I don’t want to be cloaked from the good stuff by mistake or block good subliminals which I listen to on daily bases. What do you think?


The first one is a St. Michael mandala. I forgot what it exactly does but I think it formes a connection and infuses you with his energy, which will help yield off bad people.

I think the NFT is smart and will not hide your presence if you dont want to. It only blocks stuff which you dont want to enter your subconscious, for example from music or tv or any type of media.

Subs you consciously choose to listen to will still work


Thank you! I see “NFT” here quite a lot what does it stand for?

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I think it stands for non fungible token, I’d recommend to read through the forum there are some threads which explain how this all works etc…

It seems complicated at first but dont worry it is simpler than it seems

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So when you say NFT you mean audio or field, right?

Its always a mandala and comes often times with an additional audio, the shielding 3.0 NFT for example has both

And both mandala and audio are fielded of course


Thank you so much :pray:t2: I was just looking for the empathic shielding you recommended couldn’t find it on yt, Patreon or Gumroad. Where can I find it?

I’ll also be getting shielding 3

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There is also this:


Added to the cart. Thank you! :blue_heart:

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There’s no description, I also searched here but couldn’t find any, where can I read about this field?

Dreamweaver Feb 6
(The Empathic Smart Armor - #3 by Dreamweaver)

its made differently but highly responsive and and specialized for empathic people.

works on the whole emotional spectrum bandwidth
within the receptive emotional bandwidth of the person


Read this, was hoping for a detailed description like the other audios. Anyway thank you!

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I’m listening to the yt ones rn and added the other one to my cart. Thank you so much! :pray:t2::blue_heart: