What is the difference between fate and free will?

  • If somebody wants to become something, like a doctor, they should study, clear the medical exam, and complete their degree.
  • If someone wants something, they can use the law of attraction technique.
  • People say most of life is dictated by fate. What is free will and its role?
  • If we achieve something great, we call it fate. If someone loses, we also call it fate.
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Some thoughts:

In my opinion, the category of “fate” is often overused in order to justify, incorrectly I’d point out, things that “are out of your control” but which are 98% of the time related to people actually doing things to you and your environment (out of their own free will).

Free will means you have the capability to actually choose your actions, and are responsible for them - and you’re also responsible for the consequences of your actions, be they good or bad. The fact that some (heck - most) people act based on unconscious drives does not absolve them of this, IMO.

Sure, there are things you have little to no control over, and that could aptly be called “fate” (like as whom or where, and by whom you’re born, your childhood envrionment, stuff like that), but there’s causality behind “fate” as well.

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Life responds to you and the energies of influence around you. So because you gave meaning to what you wanted, life responded to bring that meaning into the material world for you. So you used your free will to associate meaning to something and life responded thus it was fate that brought it to you.

If you give it no meaning it won’t do anything with it. At the end of the day everything is meaningless, life is meaningless (not saying this in some sort of depressive state but rather to try and bring an understanding atleast how I see it.)


Hm so if you come into a state of acceptance to the world around you and stop to react to these influences by impulse (fate) you can choose how to react from this observer seat (free will) or you choose to not interact at all and just let it pass by.

Not that I’m in such a state the whole time etc. Small experiences from myself and what I read from sammy and captain.

If I remember right captain said something along these lines that the only free will decision you can make is to interact with samsara or not.

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Does not I just always had the thought that if someone does you bad consciously it has a different “weight” to it. I think if you have enough awareness and still choose to hurt someone it has bigger consequences from a karmic point but I’m not sure.

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From a moral standpoint, I would agree. From a karmic standpoint, I don’t consider myself enlightened enough to judge. :wink:


We are fated to be on Earth and die.
To start out with the circumstances we have.
And to live under the natural laws.

Within those boundaries, we have free will to do as we wish.