What is the subconsious has to do with those fields?

Hey everyone… i dont understand why sepien says thats those fields might work slower with subconsious resistence , i mean , those fields are 100% real and effective and working and they arent some spirtual bullshit or something right?

Listen to this and read the description…

Bro if the morphic fields requires thats my subconsious wont have a limiting belief, then thats another incidcator thats its all just a huge placbeo effect

Cool man he is just asking

And whats wrong if its all a placebo!!! I dont get why people see placebo as a bad thing. By the way morphic fields are not placebo but that just my opinion :wink:


You can put it like this, your subconscious has power to create… the field have too…
If they have opposing aims what will happen?

That doesnt mean the field use the subconscious to work



  1. If you had to travel 100 miles to get to a destination, would you prefer to do it walking or driving a car?

  2. And if you had a broken leg, would you still go? And if you would, would you go as fast?


@Floyd Yeah that’s even more clear lol

Would u take suger pills to treat illeness?

Probably car

So the field doesnt depands on the subconsious but work despite the subconsious? (Will the field work if i have a bit subconsious resistence but just slower?) Btw im using the melanin fieid so its nothing crazy

Thanks for understanding homie(:


Probably yes, it depends how much your sub is fucked up lol

Keep in mind I’m quite new to morphic fields

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A nocebo effect is said to occur when negative expectations of the patient regarding a treatment cause the treatment to have a more negative effect than it otherwise would have.[1][2] For example, when a patient anticipates a side effect of a medication, they can suffer that effect even if the “medication” is actually an inert substance.[1]

Psst. Your mind controls your life. Control your mind :arrow_forward: Control your life.
Use the placebo to your advantage. Every good magician does.


I have always wondered this myself ahah

Some in case of placebo effect would say “yeah, but that’s only placebo”…
I say “dont you see the possibilities of that?”


If it was only a placebo effect that would be great. If Sapien Medicine gave my subconscious mind permission to believe some beneficial things that my mind then turned into reality, that would be worth everything.

But. The Shielding Protection field currently in use is not identical to the one formerly in use. I wore the old one that didn’t have Transmute Negative Energy. Then I lost the item and bought the field again. I bought it from the old Enlightened States website which still had the old description up. At the time I had never visited Teespring at all.

When I got the new Shield, I noticed the Negative Energy Transmutation as well as the new Empathic Shielding. I asked Sapien Medicine about it. He responded that he had in fact imbued my item with the new Shield as described on Teespring rather than the old one I read about on the page I purchased from.

Maybe my subconscious mind can go and read webpages I’ve never visited while I’m not looking. But that’s a hell of a powerful placebo effect.

This kind of thing has happened to me so many times that I’ve lost count. Last night I listened to Automated workout with Rev-Erb a few times. I noticed it had an effect on my mood. So I googled “psychological effects of rev-erb” and found a clinical published paper describing the effects I had just experienced; effects that I had no reason whatsoever to expect.


interesting metaphor…

[spoiler]Been waiting to post this[/spoiler]


Do you mean fields work despite belief but just slower?

In case that user has left the forum, I’ll chime in. Yes, fields do work. They are still imparting their information to your energetic systems.

Any beliefs (conscious or unconscious) you have will influence how fast and how easily your energy systems absorb and integrate the information your fields are providing you right now.


Ohh i see ,
Well thank you so much for reassuring me.

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