What tracks do you to open your heart

Hello everyone,

As title, what’s your tracks in order to open or widen the heart area? Lately, I can finally distinguish the vibration at my heart and the random thoughts running in my head

When heart is vibrating, jumping everywhere, I could not stop myself making more thoughts. I have used ego diss+ and silent mind in order to see the separation between mind and heart.

Now, on the heart part, I just had no improvement for a very long time, with vibration of love, with love and acceptance, being whole and so on…

My right chest is more congested than my left chest. My middle chest is much more clear than before I start meditation as I used to have asthma.

Any suggestions is highly welcome. Thanks


Soul Restoration (Heart storage Center) (gumroad.com)


Make sure it’s not a throat chakra blockage


@Nice2knowU thank you

@Jen why do you think throat chakra have issue? And do you recommend throat chakra music or thyroid music? Thanks


Sometimes I have a tight feeling in my upper chest around the thymus accompanied by overthinking and when I listen to throat chakra fields it releases

So really any throat chakra field would serve you welll with that I use the OG throat chakra from Dreamweaver that was on gumroad.

I have used thyroid fields in the past and I haven’t been as much of a fan as the throat chakra fields just because I know I don’t have a thyroid issue


Also The Heat Healer (Premium patreon subscription)


Yes!!! I have the same sensation around thymus area (i just searched online to confirm). whenever I left the dreamy stage during meditation, my throat/thymus area will tightened up. Then my stomach will also shrink, unable to breath smoothly, which caused leg pain and unable to sit calmly.

Whether tightness at throat/thymus first or stomach first, i cannot tell for now. But i just tried original throat chakra (yeah, i got it long ago) and i felt good. I will use that when tightness kicks tomorrow, then i know whether this is the blockage of my heart opening.

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thank you


The Circulatory Engineer?
It does many things, as well as

All enhanced and along with a deeper cleansing and of the emotional centres of the heart, the chakra or energy centre itself, and a realigned and connection to your own source of heart cantered energy. 🫀

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For superior heart:
Unconditional love inffusion
Divine love
Transmutation and microcosmic orbit

Physical heart:
Bone and Organ Breathing
Deep organ cleanse
Schumann resonance
Stonehenge portal + pranayama


When you mentioned your stomach now I’m like maybe you have a few blockages in a few places. Could also try energy blockage removal just clear it all up. That one doesn’t remove fields btw

Ego Dissolution + Looking at old images (at the same time) and loving my being in that time.

Prepare yourself for deep healing.


@ecaiii I actually looped it, and i was surprised that this track contains heart healer. I also looped The Gastrointestinal Specialist because my gut is not good (scientists said that they found brain cells at stomach area)

@Jay Thanks. I am more into the ‘superior heart’ (the non physical heart). I tried unconditional love infusion, and i feel it helps a bit.

@Jen I used energy blockage removal frequently, but usually, the blockages still remained. So i think i am too attached subconsciously to let go these energy…

@zen may i know what do you mean old image? You mean, photo of ‘me’ in the past?

Thank you everyone! This is a heart journey i am going through during this summer.