What TV shows are youwatching?

Gonna admit this publicly here. now. in front of everyone.

Only seen maybe 5 episodes.
Heard a joke that crystalized my impressions of it.
“The fantasies of a 14 year old boy…” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My thoughts were “I’d would have loved this show if it came out when I was a teenager”


Yeah, I said it…

But serioualy, it looked interesting but after hearing about the commotion of the last season,I might not ever watch it now.
A good show with a bad ending just ruins almost everything before it…


Haha! I thought I was the only one … :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, I was a teenager :rofl:

But I read the books before and the books aren’t like the show in that sense. I was hooked on the characters and the world created. Back then I could get really “into” different fantasy worlds (specifically when reading about them, not so much in film), as a kid it was Harry potter, then lotr and then game of thrones, then nothing, I guess I grew up :pensive:


I haven’t seen a single episode of GoT nor have I read a single page of the books. And I have no interest…

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For me it was Twilight. Hilariously bad acting by Kristen Stewart but I love the world.


Rurouni Kenshin aka Samurai X :heart_eyes:

By the way no fillers :sweat_smile: honestly it’s one of the best anime adaptation into real-action movies, the acting and fighting scenes did justice to the anime, having the opportunity to see its adaptation on the screen was a privilege, great storyline, and concept.


  • Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning (2021)
  • Rurouni Kenshin (2012)
  • Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2014)
  • Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends (2014)
  • Rurouni Kenshin: The Final (2021)

Oh I just discovered this topic


Has anyone understood this movie?

He seems to have an erased memory of his past worlds and he lives in this, earth, until he meets a woman who shows him that this life is an illusion and that all this his life is in his head and under his control, trough imagination, where she shows him how to change his reality on earth and how to influence people, positively and negatively. Then they take him out of the body with a pill and together they enter paradise where their real world is, and where a real simulation of this world takes place, an brain experiment simulation, but the problem is that he doesn’t remember anything from paradise even his soulmate, and that’s why he returns to earth again because everything is known to him there, while his soulmate returns to paradise leaving him.
Oh yes, it’s said if someone is killed in simulation aka earth it’s not his end etc like he is just waking up in real world directly
Oh and yes, she’s saying him his life in real world is so perfect and has everything what he wants there, richness , but he was just so bored because and decided to play hard living earth simulation to find purpose

I mean there are in film so many little details and sayings which are mind-blowing for someone who once studied spirituality while back, and see connections

Did they just showed us the truth with this film?

I’m still taken aback, the film is very deep and only stupid people will say it has to do with drugs, looking superficially at film
Anyway I think I must watch again

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You deserve a medal :medal_military:


@_OM @DR_MANHATTAN I used to be a big fan of GOT. As seasons went on, I saw disturbing misogynistic trends towards women. Sanza’s wedding episode was the last straw for me. That was extremely disturbing and stayed with me for weeks. I found out that scene wasn’t even in the books!

I stopped watching the show.


Having a lazy sunday.


That’s a different perspective on the same problem.
I just thought if they need to rely that much on sex sales, they’re not confident in their core concept.

It’s easy to mess with hormonal teenage boys with cheap sex, swords and magic.


Yeah it’s weird, in the books, and as long as the show followed the books, I think it was the other way around.
The word is misogynistic, but the story itself was not at all, a most main female characters were put through a lot and then emerged triumphant after cool character development. They would rise to power or take control in a world where it’s not expected of them.

But in the show after a while the characters started doing absolutely random things without really a point and even going back on the previous character development that had been building for seasons / books (khmm… looking at you Lannisters but also everyone else)… basically I think the writers just went for shock value because they didn’t know what to do with the story. :pensive:
At least we got some good memes out of it that pointed out the inconsistencies in behaviour and the story and what the characters “forgot” between seasons :woman_facepalming:




GoT, they killed Dani


Unfortunately, this was the truth in medieval times. And the horror is back now that Taliban has nearly captured Afghanistan. Some young girls were weeping on TV today now that Kabul has nearly fallen and it was heartbreaking…


Heartbreaking! This is a tragedy on such epic proportions. 20 years at war and we are back to square one with the fucking Taliban.


Best movie that leaves you in high spirits after watching it :blush:

:musical_note: Come with me
And you’ll be
In a world or pure imagination :musical_note:

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Been loving Ted Lasso

Great recommendation by people above :+1:


I love the movies: Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) 1960
and Ben Hur.
(AND…all those fit men in skimpy clothing)


Vivy fluorite eye’s song