What TV shows are youwatching?

every friday new episode


Drag is the word. I give it some time ahead and will start again when the whole season is available. The tempo will probably increase the further the show goes. I like when show runners play with rhythm and write slow burns, but I find it more relevant if you can binge watch, like on Netflix. When you wait for a whole week to see the next episode, the effect kind of falls flat…


Agree! I like it when they release the full season…

Finally, it got interesting today - at least the last part of today’s episode!

what about other-worldly mystery like The OA?

Twin Peaks :heart_eyes: I found something in Netflix’s Dark’s atmosphere that reminded me of TP (if you haven’t watched it).

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The OA’s really special and good. Sad the third season has been cancelled.

A huge fan of David Lynch here!! I’ve seen almost all of his work! Although the new season was bonkers!

Still didn’t have the guts to watch the new season. I’m getting too emotional just to hear the opening. Also having too many expectations often leads to disappointment, and I don’t want It to ruin it for me. Crappy reasons I know :sweat_smile: Have you seen the trailer of Dune’s new movie? Everyone is really looking forward to see it. I feel like I’m the only one around me having some reservations about it. I know it’s closer to the books, and that’s a good thing, but as for what I’ve seen in the trailer, I find it too clean, too blockbustery, too calibrated, with no personality, no sense of taste compared to the Lynch version… Hope I’ll have a nice surprise :slight_smile:

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The Season 3 of Twin Peaks was mainly for the sake of nostalgia. And the heartbreaking part was that so many beloved characters died in real life during/after the filming of season 3. Especially, my favorite was the log lady!

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Now I’ve seen it! It is a good movie, annoying sister though.:smile:
Very good soundtrack.

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Dark Web on Amazon Prime is pretty interesting!

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Anybody seen Dollhouse?


A secret facility, the Dollhouse, erases the personalities of Echo and her fellow “actives” so they can assume any relevant personas they may be assigned in engagements that cater to the wealthy, powerful and well-connected. After each assignment, the actives are subjected to another personality wipe so they can enter the next scenario with no memory of an earlier one. At least, that’s the plan – but as the series unfolds, Echo’s memory begins to return, and she slowly starts piecing together her true identity.



Can’t wait for the next movies…


ok. Let’s talk about Dollhouse!

Another Joss Whedon production where they were giving away so much “real life intel” that they got shut down into the 2nd season.

I was watching it, calling up my friends in the know, saying “I can’t believe they are showing this on national TV! You gotta watch this”
And, of course, it was “canceled”.

So the 2nd season, starting at like episode 4 or 5, basically shows you where the show was going to go after a normal run of 5 or 6 seasons.
So, super rushed, and disjointed but also kinda cool that you got to see where the show was going to end up at … (no spoilers)


That reminds of another show that was on in that time frame too that was excellent on the same network


@Maoshan_Wanderer You might recognize Sarah…ahem…


Nice. I never saw the second season. Only the first. Yeah i thought it was wild too :joy:

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Ooh i haven’t seen this. I’ll check it out. :+1:

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oh yeah, that’s what they do. It got awesome reviews just from Joss Whedon’s fanboys/girls and then they started switching the times around and messing with the promotions so they could claim the “ratings” were why it was canceled.

It was almost to impossible to find on tv but I was stuck to it… so go ahead and air the next episode at Saturday night at 11PM… I’ll find it.