What would you rather choose? - Imaginary scenarios discussion

Hey guys,

saw some shorts and thought, it may be fun to discuss imaginary scenarios, like would you rather get 1 billion or IQ 250 kind of stuff, especially as we have keys to many supernatural stuff, or upgrades already.

Let’s begin with this:

Which would you choose?
  • No need for sleep (but firstly you have to go 100 hours without sleep)
  • God-like Emotion Manipulator (But no eating for first 14 days)
  • Hyper-Luck (but 1 year of extreme unluck prior to that)

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I don’t make deals with the Devil


How do you know it’s not an angel who likes fun?

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The devil is a fallen Angel

He liked having fun too, I’m sure


I’ll let you be


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Not me after getting rid of old deals


https://www.reddit.com/r/shittysuperpowers/ lol


Nice, that will be my 2nd source, thanks :D

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I don’t know if I can fulfill any of those lol…

Can a person survive for 14 days without food?
I mean an average person…

But how about a fat one?
I’m fat. :thinking:

Also, extreme bad luck…
How extreme Is it?
Does it only apply to my own person or even family?

We can probably help ourselves with fields though…

And 4 days without sleep?
Idk if I can make it.

I can choose None, actually.
Maybe 14 days without food might help me though lol.



It’s generally believed ppl can survive for at least 3 weeks without eating. Plus there is even a reasonable likelihood to survive for 1-2 months. May depend on other factors as well.

But your fat should surely help.

Well, very bad, have u watched the video? :D , but that may also come down to how much is there room for luck. Family, possibly a bit yes.

Let’s say that many shit u are used to see that happened to them and them, it’d happen to you these times.

Modafinil, lots of caffee and fields will help :slight_smile:

What if u had to?

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4 days of 0 sleep sounds better than 1 year of extreme bad luck and better than 2 weeks without eating.

So 4 days of no sleep…

Yeah, those should definitely help.

It’s doable.

And the reward: no need to sleep…

It would be very optimal for reaching one’s goals…

Although/but I do like sleeping lol.

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If I had to choose I’d fast for 14 days, would be easier for me than the 100hrs without sleep lol

Wouldnt risk 1 year of shitty luck but it kinda depends wether that shitty luck could affect health or not etc


So u were considering being a manipulator, haha

Well, maybe u could, or u would learn to enter the state through meditation if u like the dreams, or u simply just rest for a few mins like in the video.

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At first I thought the same…

However, I tried fasting for 1 day and it was jell on Earth after 16 hours.

I don’t think I’ve made it past 20h without eating lol.



It helps ones career and love affairs.

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But how is that ur deciding just based on the smaller downsides, lol


Oh wow quite the opposite for me, fasting isnt that hard for me and hunger usually dies down after a day permanently

but I am not the type of person stay awake for long lol


Well, I’ve reached around 50 hours without sleep, maybe slightly less, but I can do double that, I guess.


It’s the Best way to decide. :grinning:

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What if I made it just to find wanna-be-manipulators and then planning to go all Stalin on you :smiley:

Well, if u would just want to manipulate someone into loving you instead of finding someone who would be an actual fit for u.