What would you rather choose? - Imaginary scenarios discussion

Nah. The imaginary scenario was in line that u wouldn’t need sleep at all, thus all sleep needs would be resolved in a different way. That way u somehow get subconscious processing, emotional processing, brain clean-up, physical restoration, learning, everything during the day and/or a few mins short rest, as said in the video.

Remember it’s imaginary scenario, not trying to find “Physics of the impossible”.

That’s theoretically possible, since it wasn’t mentioned in the video that death would be subtracted.

Maybe if u were extremely cautious, got protections, maybe spammed your Shielding 3.0 NFT… But anyways, you can also tell what you would choose if the death was subtracted or easily prevented by the precautions.


But lol, thought that “No need for sleep” was a no brainer, it was strongly winning before I went to sleep, but woke up now and “manipulators” overtook it.

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Special forces trainees in some countries are forced to stay asleep for 7 days. It’s called hell week.

Many people do 30 days water fasting. I did 12, planning for 5 initially and stopped because i didn’t like to experience the possible side effects of rapid weight loss on the skin. With a bit of preparation and after day 3 its easy.

I think the extreme bad luck i wouldn’t consider. Had some real nasty circumstances in my life and i don’t like the sound of extreme more of that.
If i had no choice but to choose one I was going to go with 4 days with no sleep. I did 2 days couple of times because of circumstances. Its brutal but I’ve experienced power saving mode kicking in to me and others :joy:


Well, i might change my voting/vote again lol.

I only choose from the perspective of which one’s less harsh on my system. :joy:


Now, for the perks, to add new things…

How does it sound to convince someone to choose you as their business partner or to raise your salary or to choose you as their sales representative or even a president? :grinning:

Persuasion, my friends, that’s the name of the superpower, and having God like manipulation abilities will get you anything.

Next: no need for sleep…
Imagine what you can do with 4-8 hours more, each single day.
The possibilities are countless.
You can be significantly more productive or just watch more shows lol.
You can definitely work more and achieve more, through less manipulative means. :joy:

And now, for the finale (I didn’t chose this as the last one, for nothing - have patience, my friends, tremendous things are on their way)…

First the bad part: I often hit my head, but I hit it only lightly - now imagine having extreme bad luck; i almost set the house on fire, due to me forgetting about my food - imagine with extreme bad luck…
Fields not working out for someone?
Imagine having extreme bad luck…

Now, for the good part:
After getting through a year of hell on earth, you’ll have the most powerful of all the 3 abilities: extreme good luck.

You want to buy that last product from that store?
No problem. People will have accidents, or their kids will get a fever, they will get bitten by dogs, and they won’t make it, but you will, my friends, you’ll get that last juicy product! :joy:

Imagine playing at the lottery
How about the Grand Prize?
How about always getting lucky?

How about fields?
Do you want to get lucky and have them work way better, way faster for you?
You got this, my friends.

Everything you can imagine, it will work out, and your improvement will be :infinity:%!

Edit: I Enjoy sleeping too much, so I’ll skip that option. I could only choose one of the other 2, and although I would thoroughly enjoy being extremely lucky, the trial is too much…
(although it has an extremely high reward/prize)
And Idk if I’ll make it through 1 year of extreme bad luck, tbh…
So, master manipulator it is. :joy:

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And before anyone accuses me of things…
Before someone accuses me of having no heart, in my relentless pursuit for health, happiness and success, I will have to remind you that:

This is not real! :joy::pray:

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I rather get 1 billion. :joy:

My IQ can grow through fields.

Now, is it 1 billion


1 billion

I rather get the dollas.


Anything can happen with this parameter.

If you are unlucky, a sudden flare from the sun could simply insta grill the whole planet. Then no hidding can protect you.

Or if you are lucky, the heaven could open up and a ray of light from God comes down to you and turns you into God #2.


“Extreme” within common understanding, as the videos are primarily for general populus, not for philosophers.

So expect car almost crashing into you, gangs somehow not liking you and wanting it to “show” you, work, career, relationships, health not going well for you, attracting toxic and annoying ppl, your stuff breaking out etc etc.

Or u can simply give up your long sleep and not worry about luck and unluck :wink:


Lots of unluck might look like this as well:

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Stalin Watching You


That wasn’t launched yet, but stay tuned, there will be more.


Great gif!


Yeah I’ve been living like that for years. So extreme sounds like something one couldn’t survive.

I understand people would rather fast or skip sleep. That’s a better choice for sure.


You have been cursed?



I think it’s normal.

All of that is the result of entropy, right? And then, the lower the vibration the more negative stuff you attract, the lower you go…and then you can’t neither change circumstances nor your vibration in such an environment.

Also, since most of us here believe in karma and all…why think it is a curse? I think it is my fault (not a good mindset though).

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Well, that may be one of first thoughts. At least a normal person shouldn’t usually have that much unluck, but yeah, I understand, it’s possible.


Aight, guys, let’s have:

Round 2

Zombie Apocalypse challenge

But at the end even after death, you get back to this world. Would you do it?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only if I got bigger reward
  • Only without the super-zombies

0 voters

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Of course then, it’d be a hyper realistic vr surival game lol

Sounds familiar…

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Yeh, except you would feel the pain, fear, see ppl suffer and die, everything.

And in case of dying, that too, you would have to keep one bullet for yourself in case of “defeat”.