Whats the difference on these 2 audios?

hey there, what is the difference between plasma flaunt and The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

why is plasma light and infrasound beach free? after reading the thread’s comments about it, it seems too good to be free. I just would like to know coz soon i wanted to buy the plasma flaunt but then i come across this 2nd one. Thanks


The original plasma field was inspired by Dr. Dan Winter’s Theraphi it seems from your post you have already researched it

After that, Dreamweaver created plasma protocol which was a collection of three fields which built onto that. It was more focused. Those fields are not sold anymore.

He then created plasma flaunt, which as far as I understand it, is the newer version of plasma protocol combined into one field, and perhaps, built upon from there.

So plasma flaunt does include the plasma beach field- but it is much more complex than that, although the original field is a wonderful, beautiful gift to us all- and it is very advanced already.

So why is plasma beach free? Because we are spoiled.

Further, Plasma flaunt is very worth the purchase.


Why do we have 300+ free fields?

Blessed :innocent:


Just adding on
because Cap has a kind and giving :heartpulse:


I recommend you try this a few times -

And also listen to this a few times a day for a while:


is the guided journey good to use to help all other fields work better long term?

Sure - it boosts you… as a being… it makes you lighter - gets you to reach higher.


Why is it free? Because dream is an angel bro, he helps people, that’s what he does. :pray:

Although… The plasma field triggers healing crises for me sometimes, but it’s part of the process. 🤷🏻😵‍💫