What’s The Top Most Powerful / Effective Frequency By Sapien Medicine For Abundance, Prosperity, & Luck? The One That You Guys Think We Should Listen A Few Times In A Day Without Listening To Other Frequency.
Woven Worlds - Millions
Although it hasn’t been updated to include some of the newer releases, this thread has lots of useful information for you:
It depends on how consistent you are with the field.
My recommendation is that no matter what you do with it. Be consistent. This is why I love wearing tags. They’re just 24hr active. And will always infuse you with it.
The abundance one is quite strong enough to bring money flow to you. At least to me
Used only the free ones until now.
Got the best results from Millionaire Mindset and Abundance mindset.
they instantly lift me up, reduce fear of lack. Can literally feel myself getting a better relationship to money and abundance in general. If I loop them overnight almost everytime I receive gifts (like 170€ shoes, a lot of free food…), money, job opportunities… the next day. And I struggled alot with anxiety in regards to money the last years.
(Should use them more consistently)
Any one or all of the following three
The Force of Life
Gratitude for Blessings
Way to go!
This one is good. Also Fortuna Smiles as well as the mandala
And this is from woven worlds contentment:
When we think of manifestation, we generally think of creating a life of peace and abundance.
This is our most powerful manifestation tool yet and should give the necessary push much of you may need to find the fulfilment you deserve.
Well, those are not frequencies, but morphic fields, which is a HUGE difference, but other than that I second @Imegoen advice. If you are consistent any field which have abundance/wealth/luck in name will work.
Can I please know what do you mean by the tags?
Field in tag form or costum one.
Tags like you can wear the field like when you using necklace tag. But the field is inside the tag
There was a line of fields placed into images and then those images were placed on dog tags that Sapien used to sell. (You can see examples of these on the inactive SapienShop site.) One such tag was to Draw Abundance and Prosperity (Enlightened states description).
For a variety of reasons, the dog tag program has been discontinued. No new dog tags are beginning made now, which is why that site is inactive. The tags have been replaced by things like NFTs and some jewelry-style pendants.
Thankyou so much i am totally new here so thankyou so much for helping me🙏
Thankyou so much for giving me such a long paragraph. I express my gratitude for taking your time for helping me
It would be a great help for me if someone please let me know what fields help me to achieve a job. I am unemployed since 4years.
Try this ones, i think they will help you. Even more if you focus on your intent while listening.
Also “ The Unbreakable “ which is a paid one.
Good luck and prosperity for you!
Can I please know how much times i have to hear this in a day?
Start slow and build up from there, especially if you’re new to fields.
Most of the fields have listening suggestions in their description (on YouTube as well as in the top posts of the fields’ threads). For those fields without specific directions, be guided by the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated), which explains this information.
tl:dr: A good general rule of thumb would be to listen to each of those fields (in @Star’s post above yours) 2 times each (then go on to the next field), doing that maybe 2 or 3 times a day. More is not “better” with these fields.
Thankyou so much for the response