When not getting results from PONR/BoL

Apparently energy blockage/subconscious blockage can hinder getting results from fields. And Gumroad PONR doesnt work for me Isnt this field supposed to remove all that? I don’t feel any emotional change. I’m thinking maybe I need to listen more than others like peeling onions. I have been listening for a month now though. Any thoughts?

How about the Blueprint of Life? I’m considering buying but are there people not seeing any change? Or can it just take more time for some people and everyone can start seeing change over time?


How long have you been listening to Ponr?


Thank you for your reply.
For a month now.

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Change is the operant word here. How do you determine whether or not you have “changed”? If you do change, you become a different person than you were initially. If you try to gauge the change by looking with old eyes, you may miss the subtle differences in your being. If you are too hasty with any morphic field process, key elements may be overlooked. Quieting the mind and thoughts and assessing energetic changes is a nuanced and delicate procedure. Allow your attention to be focused on who you are becoming. Set your intention and keep focus on where you want a new “you” and look for signs that you might otherwise overlook. It becomes a game of subtleties that requires a new sensitivity to appreciate as you transform daily. There are people on the forum who use fields for years and begin to notice only after repeated use over time that there have been improvements.


PONR, for me, and many fields, has/have been less about change and more about making my efforts to change count.

Much like being in a car, with your foot on the throttle, but the car is in neutral. PONR helps me shift it to drive so that my foot being on the gas can actually do something. Through experiencing THAT, I’ve had emotional changes.


What is your goal? Maybe there are other ways to approach


Stop worrying about results and just play your fields daily and watch the magic unfold. Even if that takes a year… your new to this stuff and comparing your results to people who have been here for years…

They work extremely well stop overthinking them.


This may not be the most responsible advice but I’ve been feeling stuck for a while and regular solutions weren’t working.

Yesterday I listened to Uriel and Sandalphon tracks (looped for some time) and everything was fine later on. I was planning on listening to Raphael and Zadkiel too but had no time and wasn’t necessary in the end.

Angelic Blessings is an endgame album.


I listened to it for 6 months
and I added amydala, regenation brain, limit…Ego Dissolution, exorcim,Energy Blockage Removal
, and during this time
I listened to very few audios, so that it would be effective
it’s not much for you
but it works pnor

before I had listened to the examples
friends of the forum

the mental health album, which is on patreon and the other audios that I wrote


stops all audio for 24 hours
and then you make ponr, and the audios that I wrote starting per

the Malleable Ego or
ego dissolution

I had a really hard time at the beginning
I’m sure you will have good results


Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your insight!
I am now focusing on who I want myself to become rather passively expecting changes to happen.


Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your insight!
I realize I have not been proactive at all, expecting changes to just happen. I believe the field will push me move forward once I get up.

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Apologies for such a late response and thank you for asking!
I have been struggling with prolonged anxiety but I recently came to a point where I just felt so sick and disgusting with myself and started taking baby steps to better myself.

Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your words!
I play daily but now don’t think about what its doing. Hopefully sooner or later I will realize how different I have become.

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Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your help!
Are those in Angelic Blessings album?

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Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your help!

〉before I had listened to the examples
friends of the forum

What fields are you referring to?

Apologies for such a late response and thank you for your help!
This is very helpful to know. We can stop all audios and restart when feeling stuck.

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Apologies for such a late response and thank you for asking!
It had been only a month but I am continuing to play daily. Im not too focused on what it will do but just feeling happy I have a special field being played in my aura.

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Yes, those ones.

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OK thank you for letting me know!
Cant wait to try them!

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