When playing fields my eyes are start to hurt, its usally my right eye
anyone know any reason why
When playing fields my eyes are start to hurt, its usally my right eye
anyone know any reason why
Do your eyes hurt when you’re dehydrated?
No, it hurts as soon as I play a field
did you check if eye field fixes it?
If not, your occipital nerve might be getting too much stimulation.
My eye sight as gotten worse because i have been abusing brain fields? so it could be that, i dont really play plasma brian field, which is recommended if u abuse brain fields, thats the oone of the reasons it could be
Is your eyesight getting worse again also, or is it just the pain? Either way, I would start throwing plasma brain back in your stack.
But, it could also be that you have some stuck energy/blockage near that eye. So, maybe train any/all of these if you aren’t already using them:
Best of luck!
thank you man and to everyone who commented