A lot of the times we can find ourselves in ruts or feeling stuck. We know where we want to be and we might even know how to get there, but for some reason we just cant get the ball rolling the right direction and either stay on the wrong path or stuck in one place.
This can be from a multitude of different reasons, but I have found one thing that holds a lot of us back from the goals we desire. I believe it is the resistance to changing our current structure of beliefs.
It can feel scary to let go of the old, especially when it has been a source of comfort for us in the past. But I believe this letting go of the past is the first step toward meaningful change.
Okay so what does this have to do with the title? Simple, when you have the “Aha!” moment, that moment of clarity, the moment everything clicks and you know what needs to be changed; don’t ignore it, but try these things instead
#1 Articulate it: Write it down, define it, logically and rationally think it out. Look at it objectively from all sides. This gives your relation more credence and separates a real revelation from an emotion induced thought.
#2 Test it: Over the next few days reflect on this revelation while you are in different moods/environments. This will help you get a sense of what life would be like if you adopt the revelation into your life
#3 Apply it: If you have decided that this revelation has allowed you too see a specific change you would like to make in your life, then choose how you will apply.
Here’s an example:
#1 Aha! I dont save money because I am in a survival mindset in which I feel that I need to use all my resources at all times to get ahead. Therefore I never feel secure enough to save money/assets
#2 Next day at work: Am I secure enough to save money? I do always have enough for what I need, even when I get extra money it somehow ends up disappearing with nothing to show for it.
#3 Yes, this is a change I want to make. I am financially secure enough to save X amount each pay check, and I know this habit of saving will yield a lifetime of positive impacts to my life.
In my opinion the worse thing we can do is have a major breakthrough thought, and then continue on as we were before. At the very least I feel we should reflect on these moments of clarity, as they are likely a very good nudge in the direction towards our goals.
So to wrap this up, next time you have that sudden thought of “I should quit the job I hate and pursue my passion”, really reflect on it. I am not saying to act impulsively, but I wouldnt be so quick to write off these sudden moments of clarity. A lot of the times we let the fear of change and the opinions of what others think of us dictate our actions.
My write-ups always end up being 3x longer than what I expect, hope I didnt go over-complicate a simple process
Tl;Dr: Trust yourself over everyone and everything else, dont act impulsively on major life choices, commit to changing limiting beliefs you may have. Then you win life