I see that you are venting your emotions here.
Which is fine.
You’ve been heard.
So here is the advice:
If you have reached a “point of no return” in your life, then try a “complete restart” before thinking about giving up.
Realize that “giving up” shouldn’t even be an option at all, because you can always start anew.
It is never too late for anything.
Especially, it is never too late to become happy.
And it is never too late to be young and innocent again.
Stop speaking about death as if it would be a potential solution.
Because it never is.
First, death does not exists at all.
It is an illusion.
If you die now, you will simply face similar problems on the astral plane.
So there is no escape from your own self and your current state of vibration.
You have to save yourself.
In the here and now.
But you also have a ton of invisible help:
Your Higher Self, your other parallel selves, your Guardian Spirits, the Angels and many many more.
We are never alone, even though it appears that we are through our physical senses.
It is a trick by the physical world to give you the impression that you “are completely on your own”, but that is just an illussion installed for fast growth.
Second, what you are actually looking for is just a moment of peace, solace and comfort.
I know, because many of us have been there.
You are just looking for a moment of peace, a vacation and liberation from the “daily struggles of life”, a phase where you can let go of everything and recharge yourself with new fresh energy and motivation.
And this can be achieved by letting go and detach from your current life and your current identity and begin anew.
There are also many fields for that can help you with that.
And then again, FASTING is one those ways to do a rather soft restart, where you can detach from the world mentally and gain new pespectives and optimism through the multi-level detox that will happen.
People who fast often come into a state of exstacy after a few days.
I highly recommend that you check this out.
You have all the power about your life.
Even though society is brainwashed to believe otherwise.
And now it is up to you to reclaim this moment of peace and restoration for yourself.
Because no one else will do it for you.
You have to reclaim your self-esteem and do what you feel you need to do and take this time to recharge.
Love yourself and prove this love to youself by taking the time to recharge.
Recharge and find new energy to begin anew.
And by recharge yourself I also mean not by venting and whining and trying to get energy from others.
But by letting go your old victim identity (which consumes so much energy) and let yourself recharge in a natural way.