When the purest finally are failed who looses?

There was a time when I was still a younger person. Innocent and curious about the world. Looking at everything with a sparkle of my beautiful shiny eyes and joyful in my lovely smile. I had a sheer joy of being alive with a mind so sharp and agile that the smartest and the most skilled would wonder with surprise.

It was when I was still a young girl, a teenager still… and world was dreamy and promising. And everyone and everything in my life conspired to make it for me. And then as if someone possessed my life and seems like there was a dark rainy thundering night when the sparkle was muddied within my eyes. And I was left with a deep soul piercing sorrow, in those same beautiful eyes. And then that night never left my life … and now I face death … that wonder of life that curiosity those promises … they thrived … yes they thrived beneath the layers and layers of darkness seen by those eyes … they still thrived and thrived … those eyes saw light even from 50 layers below of the frights, through decades of sorrow yes they still saw the light because once they were oh so bright. But as the night never left the sight … there came a moment when there no more was light. The sparkle of those eyes still believes in light… even as the darkness closes the eyes …
those teary beautiful eyes still wonder why … why there wasn’t that light again before death closed those eyes. Because even in death they still believed the light. For the world could never know those eyes … for they were just the purest of light… the darkness of this world failed the light


Sorry, I am just venting to myself or don’t know to whom. Maybe if there is really a divine force that knows it all they hear me. And if nothing it can just talk to those eyes for they are lost in darkness still wondering why


Have you tried this one?

Also, I recommend, if your medical condition allows it, to do some water-only fasting.
Detoxing the body has a big impact on brain chemicals, mood and outlook on life.
And also all the major self-healing that happens during fasting.


Is there some field that you can just loop and die in sleep. I am tired of struggling and for what? There is nothing I look forward to anymore. One by one … every joy that made me was taken away by life. And every hope was smashed eventually. Now I anyway face death … so I just want to speed that up and end the sorrows.

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And I still wonder but not in the beauty of this world and life anymore but how life is so chaotic and weird and illogical and random.
And there is no beauty to it anymore… just sadness all around me.

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hm have you tried these?

and maybe try to embrace that feeling sit with it meditate with it and love it.
Love yourself maybe loop divine love with it


I see that you are venting your emotions here.
Which is fine.
You’ve been heard.
So here is the advice:

If you have reached a “point of no return” in your life, then try a “complete restart” before thinking about giving up.

Realize that “giving up” shouldn’t even be an option at all, because you can always start anew.

It is never too late for anything.
Especially, it is never too late to become happy.
And it is never too late to be young and innocent again.

Stop speaking about death as if it would be a potential solution.
Because it never is.

First, death does not exists at all.
It is an illusion.
If you die now, you will simply face similar problems on the astral plane.
So there is no escape from your own self and your current state of vibration.
You have to save yourself.
In the here and now.
But you also have a ton of invisible help:
Your Higher Self, your other parallel selves, your Guardian Spirits, the Angels and many many more.
We are never alone, even though it appears that we are through our physical senses.
It is a trick by the physical world to give you the impression that you “are completely on your own”, but that is just an illussion installed for fast growth.

Second, what you are actually looking for is just a moment of peace, solace and comfort.
I know, because many of us have been there.
You are just looking for a moment of peace, a vacation and liberation from the “daily struggles of life”, a phase where you can let go of everything and recharge yourself with new fresh energy and motivation.
And this can be achieved by letting go and detach from your current life and your current identity and begin anew.
There are also many fields for that can help you with that.

And then again, FASTING is one those ways to do a rather soft restart, where you can detach from the world mentally and gain new pespectives and optimism through the multi-level detox that will happen.
People who fast often come into a state of exstacy after a few days.
I highly recommend that you check this out.

You have all the power about your life.
Even though society is brainwashed to believe otherwise.
And now it is up to you to reclaim this moment of peace and restoration for yourself.
Because no one else will do it for you.
You have to reclaim your self-esteem and do what you feel you need to do and take this time to recharge.
Love yourself and prove this love to youself by taking the time to recharge.
Recharge and find new energy to begin anew.

And by recharge yourself I also mean not by venting and whining and trying to get energy from others.
But by letting go your old victim identity (which consumes so much energy) and let yourself recharge in a natural way.


That is the most poetic and beautiful venting I’ve ever seen, thank you for that :pray:

Yes people have told me they could just end it and die right now. Released from the burden of life. It’s your choice, but what happens is you leave the world even more sorrowful. Your friends and family will mourn, and maybe even question themselves if they did anything wrong. There are many layers to this.

And if you die, who knows what happens next? What if you have to carry this sorrow into a next life? What if all the regrets remain?
Or maybe nothing happens at all, nobody knows.

I’m not here to tell you there’s beauty in the world, you know about the light already. I’m just here to tell you nothing lasts forever, and that includes your current state of mind.

Hey look, just yesterday I posted about my sadness, and today I’m here feeling delightful to write this to you. What happened? I’m not quite sure, but I feel better and stronger, eager to let you know that everything can and will change.

Tbh I don’t know what you’ve tried already on your journey. I just want you to remember it’s not futile and your mind has these powers, they’re simply muddled as you mentioned.

Try and try and try again to regain this freedom of mind. And if you need a million attempts, once you reach it again, there’s no going back, you’ve done it. And reach out! This community is fantastic in terms of growth and self realization.

Much much luck to you


Was I trying to get energy from others? … I am sorry if that is what it was… I request admins to please delete this post. I am anyway not comfortable after writing this in public.

But thank you truly for writing to me… I appreciate that and thanks for reminding that the solution is not in death anyway. I will learn ways to deal with life … we don’t have a choice anyway and I am sure there must be ways since everyone lives till they die so they must be learning and living through troubles also.
I can’t ofcourse fast because of health conditions but I am pondering over all that you wrote to me and thank you once again for writing


Hey, it is all fine.
Please do not delete anything here.
What is written here will help a lot of people who feel similar.
And also, you were the courageous one to share your feelings :muscle:


Thank you so much for your kind words. I read your post and I am internally happy that you feel better now … trust me. I am an empath and whatever I go through I am totally able to empathise and feel for anyone who goes through similar emotions.
Yes as everyone says … we don’t know if dying solves anything at all or if it rather worsens the struggle. So yes that is not an option and honestly I don’t think I even have enough courage to do anything like that. It just that it looks like an escape when you feel stuck and can’t find a way out or you feel burned out.

Try a million times … ironically it’s not even heroic … we just don’t have any other option but to keep trying. I hope I feel better sooner since it’s not nice to pass days and days just feeling hopeless.
Many thanks for writing to me and caring enough to not judge me too … I know what I wrote is not something to be proud of


Ok @King_A … listening to regain innocence now … although I don’t know how it relates to me. I feel I should rather grow up and be toughened up in life like all others but I just didn’t change even though decades passed by… I still feel I am the same teenager … my soul stuck there… My daughter and everyone else says I even look like a teenager. I feel probably it’s because truly my soul is stuck at that age when it was all beautiful mostly since I never found true happiness later again in life.

Thanks for writing to me… I appreciate that and also that you hear me and know what I mean

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Thank you @thomas … these are beautiful words. Yeah and I probably am not judging myself much and that’s why writing whatever I am feeling without filters. Though it’s not exactly comfortable as it’s public and inside I am even feeling I should not have posted this but I was feeling alone and couldn’t share this with anyone around me.

Thank you for this. And yeah I should look at other places… maybe I am focusing a lot on all that is not working for me.
Thanks for the love :heart:


Reading your post again and thank you for the loving words :heart:


That’s where the issue is … I can’t ****them, my life is tied to them. Secondly, my body got a terminal disease now. I feel my hopes and desires can not come true ever in this life… I lost the battle.


Yeah Captain is my hope too… just that it should be in my destiny too to experience miracles… some people just reach the water and yet are not able to drink. Sorry, I am also trying with fields as well… hoping for miracle

Thank you for supporting me :blush::pray:t2:


Bro, you totally are! :pray: :white_heart:


I’m sorry you have to go through so much but please don’t give up. Life is precious and is meant to be cherished. If you’ve faced bad days, I’m sure even good days are on the way. Trust God and pray to him to hold your hand and guide you like a father
I hope things turn alright. I recommend Plasma Bioactive Beach to fight any bodily diseases.
Mental health album for as it says, to recover your peace.