When you die you wake up as your younger self

Life is a dream and our beliefs create our reality. When we die we go back to our younger self and we don’t feel pain we just wake up from the dream and then have this weird feeling of losing all the memories or most of it.

There are infinite numbers of universes with an infinite number of copies of ourselves. Life is infinite.

neville was right about this. It makes sense. It never stops until you realize that it’s just a dream and then you go back to where you came from or you play the game again.

It makes sense why we have vivid dreams with sunlight. Like think about that for a second, where does light come from in our dreams? the pineal gland is our very own sun.

consciousness is ever expanding and infinite.



Why we go back to younger self just asking?


Lool. This also crossed my mind, but I wasn’t getting much younger. Just continuing from like 10mins before I died. Maybe it’s like a video game and everyone has some extra lives. Not sure if it would be infinite.

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The only part about reincarnation I don’t like is we wake up as a baby.

And then we gotta go through 18-21 yrs of hell to become an adult.

Can’t we just wake up as 21 yrs old?

Is that too much to ask?:joy:


Beacuse we gotta LEAAARNNN. :grinning:


if this doesn’t happen im gonna sue you


Why die so you can be young again? Just get the eternity tag and be young forever!


Yeah but we wouldn’t go through years of childhood trauma, programming by our parents, society, etc.

And then at 21 yrs old we’ll start to LEARNNN our true nature.

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You’d be too dead to do anything about it :rofl:

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no, I refuse


Nah, that would be too easy. :roll_eyes:


I’ll just leave you with the legen-wait for it-dary quote made by samurai:

“Easy way is the best way”



I agree! :wink:


Interesting. I didn’t know Neville Goddard talked about that.

A part of me wants that to be true though, as if in a game you have a save point and then start over and have fun again. It’s a nice if not refreshing notion to keep.

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it would explain phenomena like the mandela effect. I remember for example the green light on ttraffic lights up top.

It makes also sense because why would there be light in our dreams. Like there is a sun in our dreams.

I think it’s all really imagined. And new babys being born is just consciousness expanding.

I think neville was right about this like it makes me no longer afraid of death.

You just wake up from a bad dream and have this emptyness moment where you forgot that you were just dreaming.

this intense moment where you still trying to figure out the circumstances of you dying in the dream but you cant remember.

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:smile: I guess you’re braver than I am.

There are times I’m feeling macho and nonchalant about dying, and there are times I’d like to get a paper bag because I might hyperventilate at the tought of someday I’ll be dying.

I’ll check it out, there’s a few questions in my mind, and I wonder if he had something to say about those.