Where are the Dreamers at? (Dream Manifesting Project)

Hi my fellow Dreamers!

I felt guided to start a project that focus on manifesting our biggest dreams. Think about it, we always dream about things we would like
to manifest and it just feels like that dream never wanna come thru. Like dreams always will be dreams for the rest of our life because they seems so far away.

What if we felt guided or led to take some easy steps that jumpstart our journey to get us closer to our dreams.

What if we did just the right things and got the feeling that the dream already is real, that we already are living the dream and nothing could take this from us.

If this is a possible project to get thru and you are willing and able to do the hard work. Nothing would be impossible.

Are you with me and do you want to manifest your innermost dreams, join now or keep dreaming!



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:sweat_smile: thin line there, you got the right word :grin:

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I think that a combination of mindset and vibrational rate would accomplish much of what you need to manifest your dreams.

Most people say they want this or that to happen but don’t do anything to change their mindset or regular routine to accomplish it. They have to adopt a new mindset and actually take action towards their goal.

So perhaps a souped up and expanded version of the mindset audios currently available could be the base of this NFT. This one of course would be more customizable to the individual dream goals of the owner and probably have some extras as an NFT.

The current mindset audios help instill a certain mindset while removing internal mental/subconscious blocks and seems to use elements of probability alteration and luck, maybe other things not mentioned in the descriptions as well.

Anyway if this takes off I would like to join.


Yes dreams wont come true by just dreaming. We have to work on our dreams and thake the right steps to get there.

I would like to keep this group small, 12 dedicated individuals in total to work this subject out.


Also, i feel the declaration NFT does this already


I am not sure what this project would add new?
You are already manifesting your reality 100% all the time.
All you need to do is focus on changing your beliefs and feelings to align with what you want and and there are also already many fields available to support manifestations. Even too many to list here…


Ehm yes, american dream, who wants that anyway? This is not the point here. You partake in projects here and there and you tell me those are not about manifesting dreams?

This is the ultimate project, you could drop all other projects as this would cover all of them, be it land owner, salesman, twinflame or whatever you wish. Everything you think of can be categorized as a dream, why make limits? Dreams are limitless.

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What do you mean by not sure? How many projects have you joined and you tell me wich of those arent a dream in some form?

You talk about manifesting reality, yes but this is about taking dreams into reality.

What ever you can think of that you would want to achive is a dream, even if it is a twinflame, fields that captian make etc etc.

Why have so much chaos and make a field for everything you dream of when you can go straight to the source and make the one field to rule them all, the field of fields.

What ever you want to realize, this field would help you. The ultimate negentropic field, end of story. What can you even add? We want less chaos not more, less fields to use not more. Pure negentropy is oneness and anything above that is the beginning of chaos.

So what do you want to see in your life?

This is a team for belivers of dreams that is reality not for the negative choatic pessimists.

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Haha I don’t think what you’re thinking of is possible but you probably won’t believe me saying that as I don’t have authority on this :sweat_smile:
We already have the ultimate negentropic field, it’s called plasma light, and we have the field where it is applied to your entire being-ness, called blueprint of life.

Besides, the ultimate field is you. For real.

Then, when we realize it brings on the end of the world, we have to find the volcano :volcano: close to Captain Nemo’s house and cast the NTF into the fire :speak_no_evil:


So, I am still waiting for a reply to my question. How from your point of view is “taking dreams into reality” different than “manifesting reality”?
What new would this project add?

We already have this.
It is called the “Higher Self Connection”.
Once your connection to your Higher Self is avatar-level, you can manifest literally anything straight from the source.

For general manifestations, “as a human”, we also already have several general manifestation fields which can help you to manifest ANYTHING that you want.

For someone who has been on this forum for almost 1 year, your history barely shows any interaction, so I recommend you study the list of already available fields – of which many are negentropic general manifestation fields: List of All Audios

Good luck to you and your project.
I am not going to be part of it because for me manifestation does not equal “hard work”… and it definitely isn’t “hard work” for the source either.
One of my manifestation teachers once said:
“If it feels like work, then you are doing it wrong anyways.”


The millions of people who dream of going to USA evwry day lol and the millions of people who live in the USA who have dreams lol

Also i should’ve quoted the whole list of things the NFT does

Manifest destiny (manifest your goals and dreams) and dreamer personality archetype is what you’re looking to accomplish with this group no?


I want to support you.
When leadership qualities wake up, and there is a thought / idea to create something of their own, valuable - it’s beautiful.
but here come more experienced and knowledgeable colleagues with more experience and knowledge - and say “do not create a bike, it has already been created”.
They’re right…

I understand that there is resentment, frustration, perhaps anger…
I would say it’s a normal reaction… we’re human beings.
We are constantly learning and improving, interacting with each other
participation in any project is a great opportunity to discover yourself. These skills are valuable in real life.
The name of your group is very beautiful and promising. Keep the name.
Tweak the idea, formulate (find and polish) an interesting and exciting concept, get the Captain interested, and create a unique product.
I wish you success.
And don’t give up on the idea of forming a group and implementing something interesting and exciting.


Gonna go one step above this suggestion with Imaginirum Divine :heart: Other then that I concur with you. :sparkles:


How about turning the wish to learn any new skill into reality more easily than normally possible?
You want to learn how to ride a bike or pilot an aeroplane, you instinctively get it right quickly. You read about a complicated recipe & dish it up without messing up. Learn a new language or programming or solve a math problem. In short, whatever you are interested in, you grasp the essence quickly, mentally & with the necessary motor skills.