Which field to choose for Desired Life/Manifestations?

Hi I haven’t been active on here for a bit but always lurking. I’m interested in purchasing between the two of these for manifesting my desired life.

Which one would be better for manifesting my desired life, manifestations, etc?

Architect of Reality or The Potion of Manifestation?

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There are also Aureus Fortuna and The Ring of Gyges :star_struck:
Really difficult to choose only one!


Hi there @jolina!

Nice Roses

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imma buy both


Are they good? I can’t find any reviews from those tbh.

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There are reviews in these threads

I have Aureus Fortuna. I haven’t wanted anything specific from the field. I listen to it a few times on my way to work. All my days are going smoothly with no excessive drama or office politics.
I will set an intention for the next week & see how it goes.

I don’t have the ring yet :slight_smile:


Thanks I will follow your results😉
It’s just that I identified several paid fields that target manifestation and I am not set yet on which one to choose.