Which fields are best for permanent migraine cure?

I need a combination of fields which will help me get rid of my vestibular migraines forever.
I have been suffering from it for a long time and it has ruined my life experience.
I want to regain my life back…
Help me heal??


Have you tried Advanced Healing from Gumroad? Sometimes symptoms are complex and this field fixes whatever needs to be fixed.


Gumroad isn’t available in my country…


These fields may help:

These fields are helpful for general healing:

These fields can help clear uncomfortable energies which may contribute to migraines:


Now that I’m getting into prana, and how this life force/energy affects our body… also use fields that affect good --deep breathing–, and the more you do that with attention and awareness (controlled breathing), relaxed… the deeper the prana will affect you, clear and cleanse you :pray:t2: and the less headaches will occur

In the moment, for me, these usually help:
Sinus drainage
Lymph drainage
A shower

Last time I got a migraine, it was more of a broad inflammation, due to sugars… I had eaten ice cream, my bad! So for me, then, everything that affects inflammation worked too.


Human Garage shared a post on Instagram: "If you’re stressed here’s a quick vagus nerve fascial maneuver to help you! Pin the fascia on your trap and rotate the skin forwards or backwards. From there push your chin up and away slowly. Squat, move...

Hmmm it shows up like an image, not a link, will retry, with some spacing then: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ CmPG2vppksq/

I just tried this selfcare release hold, on both sides.

Result: Left and right side, on back part of the body) there was warmth. Something cramped up is releasing now. Enjoy!

He has more of these selfcare holds, btw! :pray:

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