Which is your favorite "do it all" NFT/field for Fitness & Physical Aesthetics

Dear Sapien Family…

In my never-ending quest to reduce my stacks, I have been trying to find that “one” do-it-all/‘kitchen sink’ field that can address all physical fitness and aesthetics needs.

I’ve gotten used to having a great level of fitness with minimal effort thanks to Dream… Now, I am thinking of reducing the list further and probably replacing it with one ‘do-it-all’ field… It’s almost blasphemy that it has been weeks and I’ve not heard Vibration of Divine Love lol

This would save a lot of space in my stack by replacing a bunch of audio like Hardcore, Acquisition of Abs, Strength & Endurance, Face Sculptor, Muscle Roar, Maxilla Masterwork, Marquardt Masterwork, etc.

I’ve managed to get a few JonDoe & SnipingTour creations and some Manhattan ones which may be the answer here…

  • Master Chief Protocol
  • Cosmic Triforce (not sure if this belongs in this list, I got a copy of it but have not played around with this field much)
  • Last Kryptonian
  • Inhuman X
  • Project Yujiro
  • Iron Doom
  • Godlike Fella
  • Super Serum
  • Manhattan Male Duo fields
  • The Prince

I suppose The Prince may replace all these fields theoretically? (took inspiration from @KetherTour here)…

Which from this list (or not in this list) would be your do-it-all fitness and aesthetics field? Can’t think of any other NFT that does all of it…

  • Edit 1: Muscle Roar + Strength & Endurance (thanks Josh)…

gumroad fields all you need for fitness is muscle roar for muscle gain and then strength and endurance max for everything athleticism related


now if you can aquire an NFT,

I would recommend fitness tech 360, it could basically replace most of the NFT’s listed above and in my opinion all of the gumroad fields except maybe kyptonian and triforce as I don’t know what they do


I am looking more for a kitchen sink fields, not sure these two qualify?

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You could try dowsing to see if you can be led to the correct answer. Likely best to do it yourself as you know the intent behind what you are seeking.

Could start off by just asking if there is in fact a ‘kitchen sink’ field for you (what works best for you may not apply to another person). If yes, then just have to track it down. The search could be narrowed with questions like, is it on Gumroad, is it an NFT, is it a private project NFT, do I currently possess this field, etc etc


I dont think replace. The more you have and use, the better you will be i think, they tackle it for various angles!

But yes, it also comes down to how much you then actually listen to them.

From your list for muscles Inhuman probably covers the most.

And manly man.

Mybe also master chief, but i dont have it to say.

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Muscle Academy does a good job as well.

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From my own experience project yujiro is a pretty good bulking field
Just my two cents lol

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I’m know I’m terribly late but by comparison would The Strength and Endurance NFT NOT influence your physical aesthetics and overall appearance if you did not exercise and is it also not an automated field? I certainly feel the immediate surge of its effects while using or listening to it, but would The Muscle Roar be the better choice if aesthetics or outward appearance was the primary objective instead?