Which occupations to avoid if one wants to ascend?

I feel like this isn’t really talked about. So what occupations do you believe will keep a person from ascending? (Assuming you want to succeed in that field)

Here’s what I think

Involving in politics of any kind (Dictator, president, LAWYER, etc…)
Bounty hunter
Psychics (most of them)
Fake fitness influencers

Now this isn’t me trying to call anyone in these occupations inferior. This is just what I believe will keep a person from ascending.

It’s all I can think of right now. What else do you guys think?

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Here I was hoping for a ‘free ride’ someday…

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How do you define “ascend”?

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Contract killer, casino pit boss, collections, and other jobs that put you on the front lines working for unsavory types.


Yeah, as Rogue and Replay said, some of these definitely can and will have an impact on one’s Energy and Journey, but most of these professions can be avoided, however I would like to really add to the table the Military Service and Duty, these sorts of components; I know that I have mentioned this in the past, but when your superiors ask you to shoot the enemy, plus officially that’s what you should do, according to the Government, Most of The Collective Perception, Religion, Ethics and Even according to Mainstream Spirituality, as they all mention THE DUTY Part…, but, will it bring Truly Bad Karma, like an eye for an eye type?

I mean, maybe if your country is the defender, maybe the Karma is less, but if you are killing people, you are a murderer, no way around that, and a Good Soldier is one who Kills MANY Enemies…

Now, what happens to someone’s soul, to someone’s karma, if they find themselves conscripted in the Army??

That’s why I Question Karma and it’s Fairness, The Retribution System, Spiritual Laws and Even The Whole Right and Wrong question, the Whole Good and Bad thing, since one can find himself in all sorts Of difficult situations, and believe me, I would rip apart someone rather then let them touch my dear ones.

If one TRULY Wants to Acend, being Isolated from Anything Might Be The Answer, so being a Monk or alone in the wilderness could be one of the Few ABSOLUTELY Great Solutions.

No one and nothing bothers you then, no human constructs, no duty, nothing.

On a more abstract note, let’s imagine a certain scenario: let’s say that a being is part of a Galactic Force, bent on Conquering and Enslaving Others/other Planets/Civilizations and that Being is always monitored and controlled by His Superiors or by Tech…
Also, the Civilization that it belongs to is a Warrior Type, that’s all he is expected to do, to wage war and conquer.

What can such a being even do, that being has to do it’s duty, no morality or higher good or questioning there…

Also, besides that being just an exercise of our imagination, I think that actually happens (plus already happens to human soldiers, no freedom there, just obedience) on a higher scale too, I mean, we are not the only species.

OK, I deviated a bit, but you get my examples.

That’s absolutely what you were meaning to do. It would do you better to look into your projections.

Do you mean, by ascending, taking memories through death? That would be the first step for humans to evolve out of the baby shoes, at least according to my understanding.

For that, you need to be fully shareable in your character and have a successful death, according to Dan Winter.

There are definitely occupations which have a negative impact on your soul due to disrespecting the sovereignty of living things like manipulating though marketing and pr, military etc.

But if you come to the self realization of your wrongdoing at the end of your life, I don’t know if the effects of the occupation will hinder your success…


I kind of went hadcore on the military problem in my previous post, but here is another look at the military: it’s Divine role is to help with the protection and conservation of genes, bodies, families, bloodlines, nations and ultimately Humanity itself; we all need bodies to incarnate in, and thus military are like white blood cells, protecting “the body” (the Nation and genepool) from infections/death/destruction, they protect the Suzerainty of a territory and above all, the people living there, thus we can incarnate in different nations, we can have different backgrounds, All Part of The Divine Plan for Our Souls Evolution.

In case hostile aliens ever want to exterminate us, whom do we rely on?
The military!

Same for any Nation’s foreign threats, crazy threats thst could wipe us, etc.

The Military and other Such Jobs have a Divine Mandate, to help human life continue and to help retain some order and a semblance of ordered society.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that there Probably is bad Karma associated with the whole thing, even having to kill other humans is almost an impossible burden, then there are the repercussions of that, seen and unseen, known and unknown.

@Nice2knowU simply to evolve spiritually. Have your soul grow. Raise your vibration. Not having to come to Earth school again


I do wonder though…can one actually ascend by being totally isolated? Doesn’t everyone have a purpose in life? What is life without serving others?

(And no, I couldn’t be totally isolated, I would lose my mind)

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Simply to raise your vibration as high as you can or possibly become enlightened.

I think this depends on the degree to which that individual has caused harm. But of course everything is intention.

Like…there are many thieves who steal. Why? To try to survive and feed their families. Not a good excuse but you get the idea.

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