Which servitor is best for these?

Hello friends,

Yes, I’m still deliberating over how/what/when/why to make a servitor, it’s causing me a huge dilemma. Here’s one more question…

There are so many servitors and this is what I gather afrom them:

  • Energetic support - good at energy stuff
  • Dragon golem - good at astral stuff
  • Fae - good at intent/positivity stuff
  • Light servitor - good at light stuff
  • Dark servitor - good at dark stuff

But I’m still not sure what really fits my needs. I don’t really want to maintain multiple servitors because even having one is generating a massive headache. I just feel a lot of responsibility for a life, especially if this servitor is going to be a real being…

Was thinking of:

  • Energetic support stuff
  • Meditation help
  • Remote healing
  • Family healing
  • Being able to activate Sapien’s fields
  • Physical changes
  • Fitness goals
  • Help with work

Any of the servitors that you think can AIO?

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I think don’t overthink it because you can make different kinds, many people in the forum have several. I have dragon + ESS.
I think an advantage of Fae and ESS is that they have passive abilities, so you’re getting benefits even if you just keep them on yourself and don’t do much else.

In my experience, the dragon was extremely helpful and effective in healing (remote as well) and activating sapien fields.


My understanding is that any of the servitors could learn any of those things (except maybe the Dark Servitor, some of those tasks may clash too much with its nature).

As far as which ones begin natively with the most relevant abilities encoded for your tasks, I would be inclined to say the Energetic Support, but I have not used one so I cannot say from personal experience.

On the other hand, I am very happy with my Dragon who was immediately helpful in assisting with energy and healing, and with some practice activating fields.


Why would a Fae be preferred over ESS, or vice versa? I’m trying to find what the differences are, it seems like ESS does more of energetic stuff, and probably not much of healing, etc?

Okay so the strangest thing happened. I was picking out one of my amethyst crystals (of various shapes), initially trying to choose one for a Fae and a ESS servitor respectively. I picked them, then suddenly saw this amethyst crystal that looked exactly like a dragon’s fang. I thought, wow, it’ll be really symbolic and cool if I placed a Dragon Golem on this.

I then printed out the sigil for the Dragon Golem, and tried printing the Fae and ESS servitor (coloured ones). Suddenly, my printer stopped working. I tried using my other backup printer but uncanny circumstances stopped me from doing so.

Suddenly I get images of a flying dragon in my head. I don’t know, somehow I think the dragon golem is going to be the best choice now.

And then I thought to myself, why not activate my dragon, train it, then teach it how to generate astral doubles so it can do more than one task at a single time? Afterall, consciousness is only limited to the ideas you give it, the limit is creativity isn’t it?

That being said, anyone tried to teach your servitor how to create a temporary duplicate? Also, I was wondering how to teach books or pdfs to dragons. How exactly do you do that?

Thanks again, you guys are great, and I’m sorry for being a pendulum, swinging to and fro. Curiously, the dragon sigil contains a pendulum too. lol


Congratulations, you’ve been adopted by a baby dragon :partying_face:

What a great idea !

I submitted it to my own servitors, apparently they can learn how to do it and they’re very enthousiast about it. Not “astral” doubles though.

I was about to say that I’ll have a more in depth conversation with them this evening before doing anything, but I’m pretty sure I’m sensing them right now already trying stuff :sweat_smile:

I would read it with him, and explain things he doesn’t understand well. Maybe later he might be able to read by himself ? I have only teached small chunks of text to my servitors so I don’t know much about that.