White Butterflies

Somebody know the meaning of them cuz I see one like everytime I’m outside lol

Depends on cultures, etc. but it seems that all agree more or less about this interpretation (unsurprisingly): beings from other realms trying to communicate with you.

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damn, hope I didnt piss anyone off lol

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and thank you

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No problem :) and don’t worry: they are usually said to be a good omen.

If you believe in spirit animal theories, you can dig in that direction too. Online “spirit animal tests” or the one you consciously choose are generally inaccurate. Most of the time, your spirit animal is the one popping up on your way, dreams and other stuff like that.

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Just nature. A lot of white butterflies around atm.


yeah could but I see them to often and they really fly near to me so yeah, I dont think thats nature mostly

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Hello Mr. Pragmatism :)) Let us dream a little, hey! Just kidding… but nature is the dream spirit land in itself though ;)

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that aint a butterfly

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Mine was supposed to be the beaver according to similar quizzes… but years went by, many events, dreams, etc. And my true animal happens to be a bear :)

You can have several animals though. Just like in Native American totems for example, you know. Different animals = different aspects of your lineage, story, etc.

yeah pretty interesting but this animal thing is idk, if I aint seeing a animal in my dream beating me up and telling me its my spirit animal I aint gonna believe internet quiz tests, just sayin

LOL he’s right tho.

Poor butterflies be like “cant even simply exist without some human thinking I bring a message”


lmao yeah fuck me for thinking that haha

Guys :joy::joy::joy: Ok, we lock the thread

welp there he goes the wolf

Sometimes non-physical beings may USE certain animals/numbers etc to get a message across.

But rarely does the actual animal mean something, unless theres a specific entity inhabiting the animal, but thats really rare.

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We’re not necessarily talking about our human side out here, Samu :)

I only believe the butterflies could mean something because I have seen much synchronicities in life and in the past months I see them a lot more often, was just wondering if these mfs mean something
I love butterflies, they cool, no offense to butterflies!

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but overall it could be just nature like your guys said, who knows lol thank you for your replies

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i read this in the morning and i saw my own white butterfly flying around while i waited outside. :smile: