Who's expecting something on 12-21-2020?

I wonder if “they” believe aquarian energy will begin to rule so they are making sure it’s the dark side of it that rules or else people will begin to have higher interpersonal standards and form stronger communities.

Like you said too, not all countries are handling this the way the “1st” world nations are. I wonder if these nations not following the program so well might get an upper hand in the world as we transition.


Kzysztof Jackowski spoke of a disturbing vision for autumn 2020 in one of the latest broadcasts on YouTube. Jackowski had predicted that coronavirus will no longer be the main topic of the conversations; the threat of a pandemic will be sidelined by the vision of an impending armed conflict.


Whatever it is will only be a threat, there will be no major war before 2036.

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I would love for you to be right about that.


I am trusting my favorite astrologer, I have been following him for several months and he never made any mistakes, his predictions are practically absolute.

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  1. That’s a year Apophis may strike.

You got it right, it will be exactly the problem.

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Could you share him? :slight_smile:


I hope none of us are right! :slightly_smiling_face:

Clairvoyant Jackowski predicted a global war. He claims the coronavirus pandemic was used to teach people to obey. It is “training and drills” for hostilities.
Clairvoyant Jackowski predicted a global war. He claims the coronavirus pandemic was used to teach people to obey. It is “training and drills” for hostilities.
The clairvoyant is convinced that a global war will soon begin and the appearance of the
it is an excellent opportunity to prepare the world for it.
Krzysztof Jackowski has been connecting frequently with his fans on YouTube and has been constantly talking for some time about the impending armed conflict that could occur by the end of the year.


Thank you!

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The prophet I am following also says that there may be something big by the end of the year, very big, but I think not a world war.

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You’re almost close, at least I think based on what this seer said

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Why do you think the collective has decided his birthday is Dec 25th? ;)


And which prophet is that? Already quite a bit happened in my life for 2020. No more please. I only ask for something good in a big way

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Cause the elites told them to.

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To be honest I’m not seeing any major spirtiual shift in people.

Maybe it’ll happen suddenly on that date lol
But most probably the ego wheel will keep turning


Have a nice shift :pray:

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Yeah I feel like that as well.
It’s like the concept of heaven a bit “yes it’s bad now, but it’s okay, it WILL be good!”. The human mind needs something to hope for.
Some people also believe we are in the “golden age” now since 2012 but like… when was the last time they looked around? -.-’
(Of course no offense to anyone who believes that, I used to read a lot of those articles around that time, and I was hoping, but I was very young. )

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A spiritual path should let one realize time is a by product of the mind

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