Why am i so lovesick to have a crush

is there any fields here that can stop me from that… its like i need to love something or fantasize about them in order to get on with my life its weird because i love to get lost in the other person…


Parental love once a day before bed.

Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person

This video touches on a little more than what the title says. Have you ever wondered why you only fall for certain people? And you can’t choose who you do or do not fall for?

In love is not love. It’s a craving to be loved triggered by finding someone whose traits you subconsciously recognize makes them a perfect candidate to show you the same deficit of love one of your parents showed you.

We use the word “subconscious” a lot around here. So don’t let it get underplayed. You are not aware of 90+% of what is going on in your mind and decisions. Below conscious awareness.


Become Whole.


It sounds okay actually
Maybe you simply enjoy beauty?
I mean you have to differentiate whether it’s usually lustful thinking and fantasizing, or if it’s really love. If you find you are crushing on anyone, it’s reasonable to assume it’s too much of the former and too little of the latter. But if it’s not addictive yet, i.e. doesn’t disturb your day to day life, i wouldn’t bother too much


The day he joined he created a public thread asking for help to stop.

I suppose it’s at least that bad for him/her :sweat_smile:


Listen to Mindfulness field &
Get yourself Emotional Mastering Protocol.