Hi am just curious whether direct X-ray on tags will damage it? Or is it totally harmless. Thank you!
I was just thinking the other day if the x-rays can scan for more than the physical appearances of objects. I’d like to hear what the community thinks as well.
Only if the field is directly exposed to the rays for prolonged time. Like 1 or more hours. Then it could be harmful.
Icic. So if it damages the tag. How is the damage like? Reset to day 1? Or worse than that.
I’m not sure but I don’t think it works like that. If tbe field is damaged it’ll do its best to repair itself back to the state before the damage happened. So you don’t lose the growth of 1 year or however long you had it on you. If the damage that is caused continous to exceed the ability to repair itself for a long time it might have some lasting effects. Honestly though if you’re not completely irresponsible the fields will probably live longer than you (maybe not if you buy eternity )
Oh I see. So, regardless how harmful any radiation can be. The field, if damaged, will always repair itself to the state prior? Will there be a situation that radiation damages it completely
In my understanding yes.
Like I said
But I don’t know for sure when this is the case. Like I said don’t worry too much they are very resilient.
It will damage your cells and cause cancer.
Okay, got it. Thks for the reply! Btw, is there any tools to check on your field? I heard about some coils
Anyway, hopefully I didn’t get this wrongly. By this, do you mean that there is a damaging element that is continuously hindering the repairment of field? And by removing the source would mean that the field will be able to repair itself normally, hence no more long-term impact?
Hey if the x ray is do something like that. What about uv light? Will it damage it in some extant?
UV light can’t damage tags. Only X-Rays, atmoic radiation and strong Electromagnetic Fields.
Strong Electromagnetic fields would be:
- putting the tag into a microwave
- standing in an airport security scanner for hours
- working next to a high voltage power line for hours
But your tag will be able to repair itself from almost anything. Sapien’s tags are that powerful!
atomic bomb too, maye a railgun ? how about a black hole whatever that is ?
According to @_OM the tags would be able to rebuild themselves, even after being hit by one of those:
oh boy
Ohh I see. Thank you! I was very worried that I thought I may damage the energy by using uv light.
I think black hole should be okay
would love to try it out one day :D
my tag went through the washing machine lmao
is it damaged ?
As long its physically fine the field is the same
Hahahaa this gives me more relief, because I have already left my tags unintentionally in my pants and they ended up in the washing machine