Wim Hof Method and fields

Hey again…

I know I ask a lot of questions, but I think that is quiet normal as a beginner. Sure most of the thinks I research, but not all are answered.

Well, you may laugh, but will the Wim Hof Method disturb some or all benefits? The Wim Hof Method also has an cleansing effect as ive heard. I do this Method for about 3 years and im wondering that if I do the breathing while or after listening to the frequencies, it might diminish the results.

I hope you all have a great day

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i don’t see why it would diminish the results.

as the wim hof method is focused on breathing, one could say it is a form of meditation.

meditation is encouraged when listening to morphic fields.

i recommend reading the general FAQ

reading up on these may give you more insights.


I’m approaching 2 years of hoffing.
I sometimes combine the breathing in the morning while listening to the morning stack. If anything, the induced state helps to better absorb a field. Afterwards i would do the star exercise.

The method has a cleaning effect on the mind. I noticed each time if i think too much, after a few rounds of breathing, my mind is still as an ocean


Hoffing would enhance fields if anything. One of the better spiritual practices out there that bring results to whoever consistently keeps at it. I’ve drifted to another style of pranayama albeit similiar but I still take those cold showers. They wake me up more than coffee ever could :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Maybe i should test it also :smiley: do you get different results of it or are they similar? And thanks for answering my question

Perfect! Thanks!

Also here, thank you very much for answering my question! I will read it :slight_smile:

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I plan my day for tomorrow and Im asking myself if I can listen to the frequencies while doing my calisthenics in the morning. Someone of you already worked out while listening to it?