Wisdom teeth

Hello, I’m taking care of someone who is getting 4 wisdom teeth taken out in the next upcoming days. I’m looking for a playlist or audios that would help recovery as quickly as possible with low pains.

recommend audios, supplements, foods? (that helped with the swelling)



Uh all at the same time?
That’s hardcore, man…
Are they grown out, or is it surgery?

I had the bottom ones surgically removed a month apart years ago and the top ones recently extracted - those were already grown out so much less hassle.

As a caretaker, make sure to have ice / ice packs and soup, yoghurt, smoothies (no berries or anything that has small parts though, like the seeds from the strawberries). They will not be allowed to use a straw, so only things that can be eaten with a spoon. Avoid acidic juices like orange (they can break down the forming blood clots early on)
(S)he won’t be able to properly brush teeth and won’t be allowed to rinse for at least 24 hours.
If this person smokes, make sure they they do not smoke as this almost certainly leads to infection in the first 48 hours (+/- 24, i can’t recall)

Pillows are going to get bloody.

If they all come out at the same time, (s)he possibly won’t be able to open her mouth properly at all to eat. Even just with the extraction recently I had trouble opening my mouth enough to get the toothbrush in the first 2 days.
It will get better with time, but make sure this person has no obligation other than to rest.

I think you can already start with the adult stem cells field.
Gum restoration helped me a lot with the extraction recently.
Probably also advanced healing, but I have no experience with that field.
In case it is surgical, bacterial destruction could help with smooth healing, and there is always inflammation so anything that can help with that.

I’m sure @uial will come in with an amazing comprehensive list soon :D


@MonkeyOwl has already written an amazing, comprehensive post. :smiley:

In addition to @MonkeyOwl’s awesome post, these fields can help speed the healing process and reduce inflammation:

Edit: Photosynthesis and Enhanced Fat Metabolism can help provide energy and nutrients if it is difficult to eat.

Super Human Mutant can speed healing processes and regeneration but may also make one more hungry.


bless both of yah! thank you so much. She will need all the help she can get!


Hope she gets better soon! I got my two wisdom teeth pulled out at the age of 26 and was hella painful. I am told, I only have two of them (and not 4) - lol and hence only 50% of the usual wisdom!




she’s only 22 and is getting all four out. after watching some videos it doesn’t seem like they care much about the skin or the damage being done.


But are they grown out or covered with gum?

they’re growing in, she just started to get jaw pain.

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So I guess it will be surgery then… good luck!
I’ve heard some people had all 4 at the same time - at least she only goes through it once :grimacing:



Tried this?

Ouch. Only reading that was just painful!

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Ah wow!
Yes, then we had different experiences :D

For me even with the simple extraction (on both sides at the same time) there was blood oozing for about 12 hours (it is normal in the first 24).
I had the removal in the evening, and I woke up with blood stained pillows lol :smiley:
my face was still a bit numb when I fell asleep so maybe that’s why.

But actually overall the healing was quicker than the projected, so I don’t think it was due to a condition.

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I think it also depends on how the tooth is in the bone, my bottom ones were lying flat within the jaw (hence why I had to have them removed before they had a chance to start growing). It’s all a bit individual in the end.

But yeah it gets better after a couple of days of course. :)

Lol for your mom :smiley:

I think in my country it only cost about 20-30 USD per tooth #EasterEurope
But now that I come to think of it maybe the #EasterEurope was the issue, haha

I think your approach could also be good.
The preparation stuff I wrote for Zen mostly, since he wrote he will take care of her.
For me with the extraction it was a bit the other way around now (it was only 2 months ago). I was like… why did everyone tell me it is easy if theyre already out, if I knew, I would have prepared with more than one jar of soup. :smiley:

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As someone with 4 wisdom teeth and being horribly sensitive when it comes to dentists, I don’t know how to feel after reading this :rofl:


I have tomorrow my wisdom teeth surgery , wish me luck :sweat_smile:


Healing Blessings

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Best of luck my friend.
I had all 4 of mine out 10 days ago. Recovery has been flawless with zero pain at all.
I used the wound healing field, vibration of Healing and inflammation aid all from @Psychic_University patreon for the first 2 days. Then I’ve used Plasma teeth and Smart stem cells from Sapien gumroad since then.

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I am using gum regeneration, pain control and stem cells targeted to face.

Is psychic university a different morphic field channel?

Can you eat normal now?