Work Injustice (corrupted supervisor)

Hello I would love to share my current situation and hear everyone’s advice regarding this issue that has been disturbing my peace at work for quite a while now. At work me and my female coworker share the same work client (we both work the same thing).

The supervisor/team leader (also female) is best friend of my coworker in their private life. (this is key and self explanatory to the whole situation hence why she acts like that).

So what the whole injustice and corruption is, me and my coworker share the same client but I am the one doing all of the tasks and basically work her job as well while she is doing 20 pauses a day, hanging and chit-chatting around the office, browsing on her phone, While doing minimal work just to cover up her day so her work activity comes clean in front of the upper management, even tho she does not work at all… acting like a mega Karen(refraining myself from using stronger language out of respect for this loving community)

All this boldness and “taking power” she gets the “wings” from her best friend (which is our team supervisor) which is defending her and covering up her actions. That’s where she gets all her attitude from.
My “Karen” coworker sometimes rarely will get back to her senses and start working her job, but my supervisor will say stuff like “Let’s go outside and drink a coffee” and then I am left forced to do her job and work double for 2 people.

I have revolted before of course. (I am not the quiet type, keep in mind I kept posting here as a last resort before lashing out to the upper management or even quitting my job) But to no avail, they (supervisor and coworker) make up excuses how my coworker has other projects to work on, and how I must work hard everything by myself if I want to get promoted bla bla (I don’t even wanna get promoted, just work my 8 hours and end my shift and go home like every other person there).

Praying to God to resolve this situation while looping Sword of St. Michael, Justice for All and Angelic Intercession. Sword of St. Michael has never let me down. I have strong faith in Archangel Michael. I love that Archangel so much as I love all of God’s creation. God is the most powerful.

What other fields would you friends suggest? What would you advise me to do in such situation?


What you’re doing is already great, maybe add in spear of destiny.

The other thing I’m going to recommend is to try your best to relieve the pressure valve on the situation in moments when that seems possible. And especially before you go to sleep.

I would write out the best possible solution for you and everyone involved on an index card and I would read that in your mind or out loud a couple times before falling asleep. Do that for awhile until some kind of resolution has come about.


Don’t you have somebody to report your oppresive boss?
I would recommend you Torus Waved Respect and The Unbreakable

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Remake your shoes, belt, pens, phones into


I am really on edge after reading this.

Such a stupid question forgive me- but what would happen if you confronted your supervisor or spoke to HR or your supervisor’s boss
I guess you already have I’m just so heartbroken reading this is happening to you. Can’t you confront that horrible coworker? Tell her to get off her smug lazy ass (but in a much more politically correct way)?

Anyways. If even after advocating against this injustice doesn’t do anything to better your situation
I hope a better and new path / opportunity opens up for you. Sincerely.

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Thank you everyone for the advice. I am currently absent of work due to my yearly work holiday for about 2 weeks. Plenty of time to rest and recharge my batteries, for the situation to get resolved and for things to flow in place when I get back there :pray: