Workout Audios Help/ Recommendation

I am female. My goal is to cut fat and get toned muscles, but not grow them. I read the description of the workout fields (upper body, leg) and they both state that it will grow the muscles.
Should I just use the Automated Workout field instead of the individual ones? Or what would you suggest I use?

The only muscles I would like to grow are the glutes, so I will be listening to this workout field, but it there something else I can listen to, to help them grow?

Thank you!

This is designed to provide a complete Gluteal Workout, (Maximus Medius and Minimus ) to increase and induce muscle strengthening and growth.
Rev-ErbA targeted to all those areas long with micro contractions.
For muscle growth there will be Myostatin inhibiting, and platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to the muscles.
Use 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)
For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason, the glutes can provide a lot of body support.

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Afaik, even with the growth aspect, the way it’s done in these; those whose bodies build more lean will continue to build more lean. So I, for example, don’t build huge muscles, I tend to build far more swimmer’s body.

From my understanding, the audios alone will not give me extra mass; it’d be a cross of weight-gainer and likely adding in some of the testosterone audios before I could.

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Hey, guys. Would “Automated gluteal workout” help me in case if I have saddlebags? Muscle strengthening should be helpful but I don’t know since it seems to be focused on growth and I would want to avoid that x)