Workout fields

Would it be okay if I use the workout fields (upper body, lower body, stomach shrinking and toning, automated cardio and calves workout) in the morning and later I go to the gym and on the next day I do a rest (from fields and the gym)
Or is this a bad combination?

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Think of the fields as actual workouts also.

At leat I’ve been suggested as such. I’ve used them without rest and during actual workouts and didn’t feel depleted. But not every one is equal.

Start small see how YOU feel afterwards. If you feel extreme tiredness or unrested, then you should place a break in-between


I tried them a long time ago and I got no results (but I didn’t train in that time) and now I wanna do it with training

Depends on what you consider results.
I haven’t been a couch potato so I cannot really vouch for them working without doing anything. As in, I’ve used them while working out.

As for results, depends on what you are looking for, and other things other than just fields, especially physical ones.

I’m actually thinking of running an experiment for a few weeks on physical transformation on this forum.

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Hey i got a new idea

How is this:

One day I go to the gym after the gym I listen the muscle recovery field and on the next day I listen workout fields and after them the recovery field

Hey i got a new idea

How is this:

One day I go to the gym after the gym I listen the muscle recovery field and on the next day I listen workout fields and after them the recovery field

What do you think?

Like this?

Day 1 : Workout | Rest with field recovery
Day 2: Workout + Audio Fields | Rest with recovery

If so, that’s not bad. See how it evolves.

Start small so you can keep track of changes. Instead of playing 15 audios and say none works :man_shrugging:

Also, I will be running an experiment, for Aldebaran’s sake! :smile:

No no you miss understood that
Sapien works for me but only the workout fields didn’t gave me much results

And my experiment would be like this:

Workout | recovery field
Workout fields | recovery field

You need to see what works out for you man.
For me personally, I will be using them whether I work out or not…

Try it. If you feel tired, might be because they are indeed working you out.