Worldwide panic attacks

Has anybody else been hearing about these panic attacks and lack of energy? So many people are saying how they feel the same way. I know a few people that have told me they’ve been feeling like their heart starts racing, they can’t breathe and they get scared. It seems the people meditating and connecting to their higher self are fine. I keep trying to tell people that I believe people will start dropping like flies if they don’t start listening to me but they don’t want to believe. I believe something is coming most people aren’t expecting and it terrifies me sometimes not going to lie lol but I’ve been preparing as much as I can for when it does come

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Just out of curiosity what do you think is happening

I read that hyperborea theory thing last year and that was scary, but I mostly dismissed it because they deleted the paragraphs in the document a month or so later

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I believe we’re in the end times. Since I was young I got these dreams of a fiery sky, the sound of 7 trumpets then I would look up at the sky and wake up every time. I believe the war we’ve been warned about is right around the corner. I’ve been telling people since I was a kid 2023-2031 are the end days but nobody believes me. Now look at the world all these satan clubs now you got the after school satan clubs. You got all these pride movements (not trying to offend anybody I’m not against things like that but do see evil in the movements their going with if that makes sense). You got kids doing evil things. I heard about this kid killing somebody or something like that they asked why they did it she said "I don’t know some demonic (bleep). I saw pics some kid wrote that murdered somebody they were pics of very bad entity’s but nobody but few understand it hurts me trying to explain to people I love when they don’t believe it. It hurts my heart when the people you thought would understand don’t. All these random fires and everything. It’s supposed to end by fire. You got all these people going crazy like some glitched out robots. You look in some people’s eyes you see no soul. My mother is one of them so I stay away. I stay away from all those people no matter how much it hurts. So many people just getting sick dropping out of nowhere and doctors don’t want to help I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’ve seen doctors try to destroy good people make them act as if their crazy. I just see this evil everywhere I look online and in person. It’s even in my mind messing with my head and messing with me in my sleep. It’s in all the music every song I hear and even on tv. I just can’t escape it I just wish the ones I love would start to understand and see too. Every time I talk about it it’s as if something doesn’t want me to. I start to shake, I start to lose track of thought, the device even starts acting up at times. I just can’t handle it anymore sometimes

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Is there any use panicking or worrying about something that’s coming anyways? These things happen on a cyclical basis for all time. It’s happened before and it will happen again, the only thing you have to do is be strong and make sure you’re rooted in something Real to withstand the storm. I’d say we’ve been in the end times, it just takes people a while to realize it.

No one is going to believe you because that’s just how it works. People are oblivious, trapped in their own worlds; reality is glitching out, time has sped up and the synchronicities get more blatant and funnier by the day.

I’ll admit, I’ve been very low energy lately, feeling like a zombie, but I’ve been feeling the impending doom growing for a while now. It’s hard to ignore when you see friends, family and neighbors aging at an accelerated rate, not thinking well, not quite all “there.” There’s an underlying something that’s just been off for too long now. I look at the world and just see flesh and not a lot of spirit, but that might just be me.

Hang in there! Grounding always seems to help me out with these feelings. We’ve got to be spiritually and mentally strong for all of the people who can’t be.




I’m more worried for those that don’t believe. I’m worried that them not believing will hurt their after life. I’m worried for the few I love I want to see them again in the after life. The only thing I’m worried about for myself is my afterlife. I’ve done wrong in my past. I’ve said real messed up things to God even. I’m only worried I ran out of time to be saved from the abyss. I just get these thoughts in my head that tell me no matter how hard I try to be good that’s where I’m going for my wrongs I’ve done. I also get these thoughts that I’m supposed to be here for the end to help. I’ve had somebody tell me that never met them other than that day never even told them anything about myself. They told me I’m important and to never give up with the things I’m doing as I will be powerful. I had this dream where I woke up in the dream and I heard this thunder like sound and saw somebody but couldn’t see them they were invisible but I could see some sort of energy there if that makes sense. I don’t remember anything other than him saying he’s from ancient times and that he needed my help In a battle I just hope it isn’t what I think because honestly I don’t think I’m the right one lol I’ve launched things back that came at me in my mind but nothing compared to what will be coming

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You know God is forgiving. He will not punish you for the things you do. You show devotion. Through your action toward your betterment. To act better and help others. You have no need to worry at all.

Even your past deeds is all about you learning to become a better you. Without all those mistakes. It won’t be you today. Don’t let fear guide you. Just surrounder to God/ universe. In the end of the day. You will always be fine. And it will be and always will be.


I feel younger, fresher, more energetic than ever lol
I feel very calm about the past, present and future

What I suggest very very highly:
Take inventory of your daily habits and cut out those shit habits mercilessly. It’s different for everyone. But once you aren’t bombarded anymore by fear mongering news, unrealistic expectations social media, in essence, once you get rid of distractions, all of a sudden you realize you actually are beautiful and can focus on nice stuff. Diet is super important too.

And then actually being better, naturally worries and concerns seem very unnatural, as your soul finally shines through


Check these out regarding what @Niezdeyhyuke said about these things being cyclical. It’s a purely Christian perspective, and I haven’t watched through it in a while, so my apologies if there is anything offensive (though I don’t believe there is).

It’s a very helpful literary analysis of the Book of Revelation that offers up a perspective other than “the end of the world is coming!”.

We actually are this time for real. And you are right people are dropping like flies and will in the future. Especially since global warming is a thing. Lot of weird weather changes happening. Not to mention by 2050 some countries in some parts will go underwater

I think all the people here who believe we are living in the end times are deeply traumatized by various topics and this heavily influences their perception of the world.

Trauma and unconscious fears → selective perception of the world + manifestation of such experiences in your personal reality bubble.

I recommend watching less mainstream fear mongering news and religious brainwashing and rather look at the data and meditate with your Higher Self.

Amygdala Healing field and the various trauma healing fields should be of great help here.

In the last 10,000 years, life has never been easier, safer and more abundant for the common man than today.

Just go 150 years back, before the discovery of antibiotics and invention of vaccines – at least 1 in 3 children died, even in the most prosperous families; Every 2nd child in the Medieval… – that’s what I would call “dropping like flies”.

Or go back to 1348, when the Black Death wiped out 60% of Europe within a few years – those were “end times” events…


We go though cyckles. Its natural.
If You are scared do some introspection.
No news no social media.

Be carefull where You put your attention. .

Don’t feed the bad wolf.



For one, be wary of what you consume, like the previous replies have mentioned. A lot of fear-mongering media and all that. Stay connected to your higher self, make sure you let yourself relax and all that, be positive as well.

Now as for what you think is gonna happen, well you’re right in a way, but not exactly. As within the next 20+ years is the predicted estimate of our magnetic pole shift, which we are past the 150 year threshold from the start. Meaning we are quite due for one, what that would do would well for one cause a lot of issues (the geomagnetic fields of earth are already less resilient than they were just 10 years ago.), such as solar rays, winds, and their intensity/effect greatly increasing. For example
This is one of the potential effects. Heart differentiations.

Ignore the fear-mongering and catastrophism esc inclinations and description; this is a good video that’ll explain a good amount of it all.

More than anything, don’t worry about it all, its cyclical after all. It’s gonna happen and we’ve lived many times through it. Just be positive and focus on the moment :slight_smile:


They’ve been saying this for so long that’s it’s become a meme. There’s so much weather warfare and modification going on that it’s hard to say for sure what’s actually going on. There isn’t a clear picture, but plenty of fear mongering.

People are getting sicker for longer, that’s for sure. I’ve seen this in my own personal sphere.

@SpiritualJunky I’ve learned the hard way the last few years that it isn’t up to me to decide who believes and who doesn’t, and their afterlife and wellbeing in it is not my responsibility. My job is to help those who ask for it, who need it and come looking to me, which means developing strength and resolve so I can be a rock for others when the time comes. No one knows when, it could be in our lifetimes or not, but it’s getting closer and it’s important to prepare now instead of never. Preparation for death is a lifelong pursuit. How can you expect anyone to agree to that way of living and thinking?

As long as you’re breathing, there’s time to change how you live your life, if that’s what you want. There are greater things to worry about than my afterlife, which will take care of itself as long as I do the work here. All of life is preparation. Discipline is continued preparation. Stop worrying and prepare!

I’ve cursed God as well in my life, but that’s more like stabbing myself, the more I’ve learned and grown. Everything comes back to You, and He never gives up on You as long as you remain faithful to Him. In our limited perspective of things, we fail to see the whole picture. He sees everything, everywhere, throughout all time and beyond, and yet never gives up on anyone who follows faithfully, which is to stay true to your heart. Spirit of the letter, not the letter of the law.

We are spiritual children. Isn’t childhood messy? Aren’t there a ton of mistakes made growing up into a competent adult? Who has never made a mistake in their life, or done wrong? That’s part and parcel here. With all of the manipulation that goes on here, how can you justify damning anyone besides those who actively make it hellish for everyone else? That’s like blaming an economic depression on an infant.

Who would you want to spend eternity with, a people-pleaser do-gooder, or a someone who’s been through the ups and downs of life, has made some mistakes but has also done some good things as well in spite of it? Isn’t Authenticity the goal?

Good works don’t get you into Heaven. Some even argue everything that happens here is pre-determined, the choice has already been made but the experience has to happen for the choice to be understood. I think scripts can be re-written on the fly. It’s up to you.

There’s tons of manipulation going on from both sides, good and evil. One will tell you you’re a worthless sinner doomed to hell, the other will tell you you’re a starseed here to liberate humanity. They’re both liars. You are what you decide to be, which means the greatest thing you can be is to become the author of your own myth, to understand the forces above and below and grow beyond those limitations placed upon you. Become the stone the builders tend to reject. Take inspiration from others where you see it, but walk your own path. No one else can judge you for living authentically to your own calling, which is 100% individual. All aspects must be lived and understood. What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? What is a bad man but a good man’s job.

Take what resonates and forget the rest.


Same with me. I almost got crazy trying to save everyone around
My biggest lesson on letting go.