Ok maybe I am a bit crazy to think about whether or not fields would work on inanimate objects without life, but I got this idea from
Before I saw it I would just think that it is superstitious or maybe having some lucky charm item makes operators feel more at ease thus increasing efficiency of the machine they operate. Now I think perhaps people’s belief in the snack would produce positive energies that make machines functions well. If a 1.3 usd snack that obviously do not emit any energy can do this, is it possible that some Sapien fields could potentially make machines functions better? I am asking this because my business (factory) has many industrial machines that, if their efficiency (example running at higher speed with less interruption, or having air condition system uses less energy) can be increased I would be looking at much better profit. Even if negentropic fields can somehow make machines turns into better condition, I would be getting better output as machines gradually lose efficiency with age (wear and tear). Has anyone ever tried fields on machines? Can be cars that you own for example.