Would fields work on machines?

Ok maybe I am a bit crazy to think about whether or not fields would work on inanimate objects without life, but I got this idea from


Before I saw it I would just think that it is superstitious or maybe having some lucky charm item makes operators feel more at ease thus increasing efficiency of the machine they operate. Now I think perhaps people’s belief in the snack would produce positive energies that make machines functions well. If a 1.3 usd snack that obviously do not emit any energy can do this, is it possible that some Sapien fields could potentially make machines functions better? I am asking this because my business (factory) has many industrial machines that, if their efficiency (example running at higher speed with less interruption, or having air condition system uses less energy) can be increased I would be looking at much better profit. Even if negentropic fields can somehow make machines turns into better condition, I would be getting better output as machines gradually lose efficiency with age (wear and tear). Has anyone ever tried fields on machines? Can be cars that you own for example.


but of course it will work,
the application can be endless,
there is just no real interest and more so any interest to invest in its research.
But of course.


Does that mean that will and consciousness does not really have much effect on the effectiveness of fields? Or could it be that fields would be even more effective on machines since they do not have mental, subconscious blocks as a sentient mind would? Or perhaps my understanding on machines is too limited to the basic human understanding/view and thus have no idea what I am asking at all


Thats hilarious!
I believe it is true.

@Hauru 你看,台湾的薯片,奶油椰子口味 :smiley:‘乖乖’


:joy: 🫣 @Nice2knowU


還有台灣可樂果零食 太多了 :clinking_glasses: @Nice2knowU



Machines have specific purposes and blueprints that can be tied into. They have easily understood optimization issues. And they have an intention of their creator(s), so they could be the subject of quite specific fields. Admittedly, these issues will be grow more complex as many machines have operating systems that introduce feedback systems and fuzzy decision trees, but humans could be characterized that way.

Overall, I’d say consciousness helps. The decision to even try a field is a massive first in removing a blockage. Even when I doubted a field in one part of my mind, actually playing trumped those doubts for me in most cases.


Wow it is the Captain! I would first like to thank you that today is the first time in 20 years that I woke up with a 100% functional knee, your acupuncture field worked even better and faster than the real needles!

Actually I am pretty sure the company in that article have done internal analysis otherwise they wouldn’t do it on a large scale. Also the Academia Sinica (government research institute in Taiwan) seemed to have conducted and published research regarding this matter although they seem to categorize it into “social science” or “folk religion” area instead of research backed by controlled study.

So your words have encouraged me to think about this seriously, before my plan is to plan environmental fields to make workers having a better mood/energy. Do you think environmental fields such like plasma flower (negentropic aspect to make machines more orderly thus operate at a higher output) or ley line nodes (bring energy/good luck/fortune to production site) would be a good idea to start? Plus both of them seem to increase manifestation which would make operators affect the machines to work better?

I also thought about probability alteration and luck to decrease chance of machine stopping if I am to force running at higher speed but I would need at least 40 speakers to strap them onto the machines, if I do that my workers would definitely think I am possessed lol.


Not directly…

I’ve known about negentropic effects from qigong and I’d suspect that they’ve contributed to the longevity of my ancient laptop lol.

I might experiment with a few more things.

I like retro tech and would like to keep it alive — CRT computer monitors and TVs, record players, vacuum tube radios, etc.

I think the negentropic harmonizer could probably work well for quite a few things.

I know that a few other companies have made charged stickers that are supposed to influence the quality of fields around a house’s electrical wires and wifi routers.


So you are saying that we would need fields specifically designed to deal with the machines instead of the current fields that were designed to mostly work on human?

I don’t know. I’m just making broad statements based on “my” theory of fields–not at all a source of empirical data.

So with that proviso out of the way, I will speculate. I suppose there could be a generalized field that smart scans machines and helps them with protection. There could be specialized fields. For instance, rodents love to eat the insulation wire in cars and other machines. Perhaps an environmental field stamped of affixed to the machine could discourage that.

Self-repair is trickier. Most machines do not have self-repair systems that break down. The machine itself just breaks down. Still, an energy scavenging field might could direct the energy in a smart way to reduce heat. This could be used for server farms. Perhaps certain materials can be strengthened to lengthen a part’s lifespan. In principle, you see the viscosity of oil strengthened to reduce replacement costs, or you could achieve a similar goal by, again, reducing heat or even friction through the before mentioned scavenged energy. Metals in already existing machines could be bolstered.

Chemistry would ripe for this work, in a way that would no doubt please Roger Bacon, who was an alchemist.

There are even deities that would associated nicely with such fields.

The real problem is explaining all this to the Board of Directors in any company large enough to produce machines on any relevant scale. But there are a lot of fields already available that could help someone with that persuasion task.


Why not?

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From my own life experience I know that when I treat my technical devices always with love, care and gratitude, then these devices always function perfectly and “live” (function) much much longer.

I have also observed that people who treat their technical devices like trash constantly have to replace their mobile phones and other things.

So the intent of our consciousness and the subtle energies that we are sending out definitely do affect the material things around us. Which means morphic fields would of course also affect material things too.

Now, the only open question I have left, is how much love do I have to send my devices to counter planned obsolescence?

I’ve read here on the forum somewhere that alien friends from Alien Intercession fields can help fix devices to some degree if you ask them for help. For them, the level of our technology is like sandbox toys :grin:.


–When I said this, I was meaning with my own experimenting.

The knight antivirus software is a prime example of fields applied to machines.

–I don’t use Windows, so I never tried it lol

But basically everything in reality has a field. Different elements of the fields can be tweaked in order to alter effects.

I recall messing around with network protocols and making block lists for sites—lots of layers that people think are exclusively human can be imprinted into the electrical fields around machines. --And, in the base of making block lists, I could feel a shift in how the energy was moving when connections were left open or blocked.


Just saw a new release called probability wave. Would this wave flowing out of me impact the environment and the machinery to alter their outcome to my favor perhaps?

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Yes I have thought about it and from my experience dealing with second hand machines, I have definitely found many be neglected and mistreated, then after we took great care of them they churn out products just fine. Perhaps I can start the easier part by ensuring every workers take great care of the machines.

Ok while I was tying this another flood of orders came in, I have actually given alien intercession a try yesterday and the production number is about 10% higher than our projection. I guess I will have to keep asking them to make sure our machines can function optimally.

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