Also ill add that manifesting is a power that we all are born with but grows with time and its the result of several other things we must work on.
i dont know where in the process you are but these are the things imo that need to be balanced or in order or aligned call it as you want to start manifesting or could simply help you developing your abilities:
Chakras have to be healed, open, expanded and aligned and be in tune with meridians.
Not just the third eye chakra can manifest as a lot of ppl would say, you can manifest from any of them Base brings in the power of earth, sacral is the creation center, plexus is where your force and will lives, heart is the fastest to expand and change anything, throat holds the power of the intentions, third eye helps you visualize and narrows the best thing and then best way to bring those things you want and the crown one fuels and connects you to the Universal force, thats why all have to work harmoniously but then find out which one is your forte and test through that one.
Clearing the Pineal Gland
Becoming more energy sensitive
More empathetic
Have a healthy balanced brain
Grow healing abilities
Heal emotionally, mentally, physically
Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation
So, chakras audios
Brain audios
Becoming whole audios
Soul restoration series
Ego dissolution
Etc etc
Listen to the magician daily, let it sit in you and grow
And best of all detach your self from the outcome