Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

I think each part of the Woven Worlds series is compatible and will work synergistically with each other.


I was wondering the same, but it does say all aspects of life and how could you be content/peaceful with an unhealthy body? so i guess it should also work on body & health. Probably even on partnership, friendships, career/job etc.?


Can this become part of our energetic system overtime. I mean no need to listen to for a year??

I find it quite strong at 2 listens. I guess i will limit myself to one listen per day.


I havent posted reviews in a while, ive decided to first, not be looking like a hijacker on every thread, and second to wait a few events happening so i could give a more solid with more experiences to share. Ill review the latest fields tonight. Just bare with the length lol because they’ll be my 1st and only review on these fields.

First one, this beautiful creation.

Contentment to me is simply the oxygen of the spirit.
Necessary to live. To be alive more precisely.
There is nothing worse than living while dead inside. With no spark, without anything to look forward to.
Dragging the days one day at a time. Numb, surviving. Or boring just the same days repeated.

And that is the difference to me between Contentment, joy and happiness. Joy is the exciment that comes and goes through short events sometimes unexpected.
Happiness is having joy more often, a common state in life but Contentment is the combination of both. Is when life has those 2 intertwined consistently.

Ive been on both sides of the coin. One at a time of course. The living dead inside and the really living content with joy and happiness.

And the thing is when living dead inside i had actually quite a lot of moments of joy and happiness, But at the end of each day in those times, once my head hit the pillow. I knew in my heart i wasnt content. And i knew all those joyful moments were temporary, like euphoria lifting me followed by crashing and fading away.

Worse part of living like that is doing it after having actually lived content, with steady happiness and joy, the difference is easily recognized, so the absence of it literally hurts. I then decided to persuit that again. With everything in me, like if my life depended on it, like if it was… you know… oxygen… because it is. At least for me.

I bought only this one first. And i knew what to expect in terms of feeling, but of course i didnt know how it all would played out and better yet, i knew the contentment ive known so far in life was the baby of the real deep big one for sure this audio would bring, specially after reading the description over and over again. I dont know how many times ive read it. I love it more every time. Those words are music to my ears, awakening every sense deeper every time, winking at me, a beautiful future flirting, calling me in.

Why did i just say all of that?

Because then youll see why ive noticed how this audio is particularly and personally working on me, and therefore youll take my review as my personal experience, not what is to be expected with it. Could happen yeah why not, but when trying something fully open and without expectations, the personalized experience and message for you comes through…

My dynamic in life when winning, losing, getting what i want and not getting it, has happened in the same way (before this field) like this:

Thinking → wishing → doing → getting it = YAY!!

Thinking → wishing → doing → not getting it = dang!

Dang → feeling the frustration → accepting → letting go = I am ok/ life goes on so do I. ->dont look back → next = peace of mind, heart.


1- ive realized that in the past, even when i moved on, felt peace in my heart, actually FOUND and sometimes rather quickly that it was because something/someone better was awaiting for me…

Something stayed in the back of my head, the infamous question : “What would have happened if…” but guess what? If i ever consciously asked myself that, it never bothered me and i quickly said… meh its whatever and forgot about it. But now, ive seen that there were many many times where that question was unconsciously made. And they came back again and again every time i did not get something. And im talking about anything. Whatever even small things. THE QUESTION ABOUT THEM ALL STAYED IN ME, ACCOMPANIED ME ALL MY LIFE SO FAR and i didnt know. And i thought i was the greatest at letting go, moving on, not looking back etc.

Until this field.

How is it doing it? How have i realized that?


in my experience so far with this field and trying to copy and follow the mechanisms behind it explained in the description…

The only 2 things ive done are: being present, aware, consciously connected to what is unfolding, what is brewing in and outside me in all the layers of my being, and outside in my current reality/ going with the flow, embracing whatever comes my way, meaning taking action, small, big whatever just going with the push the current in this is propelling behind Me, answering the call, stepping in, taking the chances, grabbing, trying, etc its not hard, its so easy. This thing is so powerful, i just need to be open and take action when it presents which keeps happening.

2- so since ive done those 2 things awareness/action

Then this field rapidly i mean FAST, shows me all the options i can choose from but not just that, it presents me the full show. The full possible story. From choosing an option to what the outcome would be. Ha!


because… remember that part in the description about “it conceptualizes it for you” ? Yeah. It does. Yes it does.
You simply understand the message.

How easier can it get to take correct decisions and action when you can see the final outcome of all possibilities, a dream come true if you ask me.

This has happened to me:

Images in my head
A sense of my higherself telling me (but it feels more powerful like the combination of my higherself, all intercessions, guides, and everything in between) fast delivering to the parts of my brain where the information settles, but already understood and accepted.

Read that again: its been settling already understood and accepted

I just get to see/feel/hear whatever way it is, all the final outcome, which then eliminates the for ever question consciously or subconsciously made “what wpuld have happened if i had chosen this or that instead?”

How is all of this bringing and keeping Contentment in my life?

  • bringing awareness about what i need, want that i didnt know

  • bringing awareness about what i dont need or want that i didnt know

  • exposing in various forms all the options when i do know what i need, want and dont need and want but i dont know which way to choose

  • propelling action to decide

  • pushing action to complete task

  • giving me a test of joy+happiness when im close to choose an option, so i feel the exciment and the YES!! that is the perfect one before happening.

  • destruction of unimportant things that need to die, followed by the rebuild of what should have been there instead, so i merely have a few minutes to feel the WTAF did just happen and why.

  • clearing everything in my life that have no more space in it or that has been stagnant or stationary without a good purpose

  • connecting the “dots” for me in every situation in my life (ah im loving this one) and subsequently and easily propelling the action to release

  • gratitude for blessings magnified (i used the same name just so you understand what i meant)

  • FULL peace of mind. Tranquility. It does not take away the understanding or realization that some things are awful, no, it does not make me oblivious, indifferent or naive. On the contrary it sharpens my senses specially the sixth one ;) but it feels like if a bird had sh.it on my face, its real, i feel it, i smell it, it stinks, but then right away along comes a hand of glory and quickly cleanses it for me, with a delicate soft cloth wetted in an absolutely delicious fresh water with a heavenly smell, that makes go ahhhh THANK YOU LITTLE BIRD!! THANK YOU FOR SH.TTING ON ME because guess what? My face is so clean now, fresh, cool, smelling awesome, it awakened my senses, it nudged me to keep going so other birds wouldnt do the same, or so i wouldnt be statick under the same tree.

Action you know… action rewarded… :facepunch:

Every time. :heart:

(Next review in order of events → Financial Protector)



Hello Can you plz clarify this for all woven world audios plz. I’m very confused

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yes they can work together.


I have been using this stack twice a day:

  • PoNR X 2 (thanks to @anon51280824 and @Dr_Manhattan I giggle every time I read PoNR lol)
  • Contentment X 3
  • Millions X 3
  • Magic X 3
  • Chosen One X 3
  • Financial Protector X 3

To make it a fair test, I stopped other luck audios (my beloved Lucky Horse Shoe). A lot of little lucky and synchronistic events. My Tax consultant re-crunched the numbers and saved me a couple of thousands in what has been probably my worst tax year. Things we were expecting for a while reached a logical conclusion all of a sudden. Our AC broke and this is a super busy week for us and we were groaning at the prospect of having to stay home and wait for the repair guy - and the AC fixed itself and started working flawlessly lol. A lot of such synchronicity everywhere.

The last 15-days were an auspicious period (Navratri) - so I was charged up with a lot of energy and this series was a cherry on the top. I did a water fast for 9-days, and observed silence for around 12-hours a day, and this series dropped as though a reward for my efforts.

I thought of adding Capital Governance but then decided to stick with just this one. I may add New Perspectives and Unbreakable later as I just love those guys.

For the next month, I plan to stick with just this stack… (and a few workout audios on days I skip the gym)…

Also, I have not found these audios to interfere with any other fields/tags. They seem to, on the other hand, infuse every aspect of life with new vigor and vibration. This is not merely manifestation, in the traditional sense, but Reality-Weaving. Only Captain knows the real deal and he is not a man of too many words (always a lesson for the talkative me) - but this is not typical stuff. We had Negentropy and Plasma, and then Plasmatron, and then some next-level audios like Savitur and Exalted State - and this, IMHO, is the next turning of the great Sapien wheel.

I don’t fully understand what this does - but it is reaching into other timelines, other aspects of me in different spaces - and literally weaving a world. Also, the “fuel” behind this field, the source of energy that empowers the field, is something really big - a huge powerful source of energy that feels massive and too large to fathom. I can “decipher” simpler fields more easily, but not this one as it seems to do a lot of things and all together. Take a few minutes to meditate and tune into each of these (I don’t generally visualize, I focus on my breath, get into a deeper state, and just listen to the audio mindfully, maintaining awareness on the sound and also on the sensations it produces - physical, emotional, energetic - and just stay with it with gentle, non-forced, non-judgmental, non-expectant awareness).

I decided to focus on fields I have, and have resisted the temptation to acquire more and more NFTs (other than Kali of course, which was non-negotiable haha) - but this Woven World series - choice has never been easier than this - just get it!


Beautifully written. Look forward to seeing some awesome testimonials. I bought Million one already.


I’m glad it’s not NFT and can be bought in future anytime we want.

Guys, get Millions first and when you have money, get all the other ones in the series. Let’s weave our world with magic where we will be the chosen one with million dollars to rest in and enjoy the ultimate contentment.




I’m not content with my social and dating life, so can I expect this to help me even in that area?

Or would woven worlds magic be better suited?

I already use the social mastery tag

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yes the field will work to make you content in ALL areas if life


This field, and I guess it is also the case with another fields in Woven Worlds series, feels so intricate and complex that its kinda like listening to an entire stack in one track, to the point that Im considering focusing only on this one and treat it like entire stack indeed, just looping it for an hour every morning and every evening.
Well, i said ‘‘this field’’ but it feels more like a set of fields, and It appears listening to this along with other stack(s) + wearing a pendant will only confuse my energy system, akin to listening ~30 fields every day.
Does anybody share similiar feelings? or am Is my subconscious/energy system that easy to confuse?


I’m on the fence. I agree with you. I feel like focusing on one is going to get you somewhere specific sooner.

But I also like the idea of using more than one at a time and seeing how they work together. I do see them as highly compatible with each other. I think it’s just a matter of personal choice.

I can definitely see magic as working together with helping you have a fulfilling life, or with becoming wealthy. And I can see wealth and fulfillment easily going together.


Testimonials please … I am considering buying this field


I think the biggest testimonial is when Captain bumps one of his field :wink:

Last time he did it was for New Perspectives if I recall it properly and I haven’t read about anyone being disappointed :grinning:


On my end, I must say this is becoming one of my all time favorite field (top 5), besides the good feelings and manifestations, I really love the momentum & alignment it is creating day after day.

If uncertain about investing though, make sure to use Unexpected Gifts for a couple of days.

Then measure results, and see for yourself if this is worth the investment.


Anyone paired this with A Dream of Purity?


Thanks :blush:
I am feeling depressed in life right now… worried about everything that apparently is going wrong. Messed up… will this field help?


Yes definitely.

Also make sure to check out the Outlook Retrainer.