Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

Sale’s got over :frowning:

Can we manifest better physical appearance with this?


Is there something in the description that I missed that leads you to this conclusion?


No sorry

Nothing to be “sorry” about. I want sure if I was missing anything.

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I had the same doubt, since this is a manifestation booster and helps with visualization maybe it can also help to achieve physical changes…


The way I read the description and the testimonials is that this field helps us to find the visualization and feeling of having our “happy end result,” whatever that may be for us.

Might that bring us a better physical appearance? Maybe. But feeling can also result in us accomplishing our ability to love our self, no matter what size or shape or placement of any features of our experience might be, because that’s what the contentment is (in this example)–“I am content with who I physically am.” Which (I think) is a good place to be, yep.

If a forum friend came here asking, “Which fields can I use to improve my physical appearance?” there would be so many other fields I, personally, would recommend for that request before this field.



I think I’m doing the opposite of telling someone to buy a $100+ field, am I not?


Yeah your right my bad. Sorry I read that wrong my brain is a bit fucked up right now. Did not see that it was a reply.

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No problem. I just wanted to make sure I was communicating clearly. It’s all good.


Thank you for this gem Captain! I am a big fan of Neville Goddard but have been struggling with conscious manifestations so this field really is a blessing.

Just wanted to clarify a few things, to make sure I can make the most of the field.

Does this refer to the number of times we should play this, or to setting small goals at the start? Can it be looped and would this create a greater “push”?

In my case, I want to improve my dating life which has gone a bit stale in recent times lol. Would I be better off affirming small & in the present eg “my dating life is improving” or going straight to the end “my dating life is now amazing”?


Got this just now … and played it when I was feeling most discontent and depressed. I immediately felt significant pressure and heat on my chest area. I was low and scared so didn’t play a full run … just for 1:34 mins. But that’s fine for the first day. I will of course increase once I get used to the field. Right now feeling tingling on crown area. This field is for sure very strong since I have never felt the energy of any field so clearly and so quickly. Pure magnetic heart coherence was another such field that made me feel soothing in my chest area. But this field made me feel the energy just in 1:34 mins. Start is slow people as captain advised … it’s very strong.


More than 3 weeks have passed since the release of this field.
Has anyone so far manifested anything that makes them really more content?
I mean manifesting something really significant, not minor luck like another parking lot or a small money bill, but things and situations that actually make you more content?
So far the only manifestation testimonial that I have read about above is Maoshan’s tax savings – but then he also used several other money fields at the same time… :thinking:

I am really interested in buying this field, so hopefully there will be more testimonials soon.

I have also looped Unexpected Gifts for around 20-30 minutes every day for the last 1.5 weeks, as it seems to also use the Woven Worlds concept, but so far no expected gifts have manifested themselves for me. Indeed, absolutely nothing unexpected happened in my life at all. It were two of the most predicatable weeks ever.
Does this mean that I don’t have any “unresolved action towards completion” left? I don’t think this is even possible, therefore I have no clue what is happening or not happening and will just wait for more testimonials while continuing to daily use Unexpected Gifts…


While I would love to see more testimonials myself since I just got it also … there is just one thing I want to say here … things don’t bring contentment rather contentment brings things … so I think it will start with the feeling first … am I right about this field?


Cant talk about unexpected gifts field, but I feel Contentment is more of a long term approach field, and while I have not manifested any tangible thing yet, I can definitely noticed the direction of my life changing, as in the ‘‘key people’’ in my current situation seem to have changed in the way they interact with me, as well as me myself taking a more decisive and ‘‘orderly’’ actions.
And the decisive and order is a big one for me, because I have been previously stuck in a loop of ‘‘what to do next’’, only to question my decision after some time and eventually changing approach.
Also, I feel this field, and perhaps other ones in Woven Words series work well with the Navigator of Awe, I use them in a stack one after another, and I generally try to focus on ‘‘Navigating my way to Contentment’’ when listening to Navigator, after listening to Contentment.
The auto-visualization part of Woven Words series is a very improtant benefit I feel, because now I can ‘‘tell’’ Navigator of Awe where I want to ‘‘go’’ using this visualized outcome. Or ‘‘tell’’ the Unbreakable field what I want to achieve etc.


Also everyone who is listening… please share how many times per day are you listening to this field safely ?
I ran one time and am tempted to do more after a two hour break but captain said start small so not sure how it might effect




Testimony : … I am not comfortable in describing the situation in my life that got influenced by this field but still for the sake of this testimony I would describe in vague terms. So it’s just been two days that I listened to this field. First was yesterday and that too just for 1.34 mins and suddenly a bad thing happened to me. Now this is nothing new because this particular bad happens very often. But yesterday I got really toughened up because of it. Today I listened to it for one full run and suddenly I had a clear understanding of a situation that I have been dealing with for two years. Yes I was almost coming at this conclusion without this field also but yet I never had acknowledged it fully so far. But now it’s like crystal clear that this is what it is.

Did it lead to contentment… actually no, I am very upset about this thing in my life and more upset now that I can see it clearly. I also can’t see a way out except suffering whatever I decide to do about it. Is it a bridge to something … maybe … will update.

Also this field is very strong … I always feel tingling over my crown whenever I play this. I don’t feel this with most fields.



Jaaj, I think we both received a very unexpected gift just a few days into this release. :slight_smile:

I was actually just thinking how this ‘manifestation’ was the Biggest unexpected gift this field may have given both of us!!!

Bruh :p