Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

For those not receiving results for the Woven series, try nullifying and amplifying your planets and see if that helps


But what do you mean exactly?

Because the NFT trade we had on the same day that Unexpected Gifts was released, was not really unexpected. I (and you) were manifesting for it already long before thatā€¦

If it is something else that you mean, then please PM me.
Maybe I have a perception filter on me and already forgot about it?


So this sounds to me like your experience was rather a realization about what is going on and not that the field had anything to do with it?
Because, if it is something that happens regularly anyways and does not lead to contentment, then it probably has nothing to do with this fieldā€¦ :thinking:

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No contentment so far that I have clearly written and remember I listened for two days only. But some realisation which was not there before as least not this clearly. You decide for yourself if itā€™s this field or not.

its both ways, things do bring contentment, dream releases a field and people feel happy, thats a thingā€¦

to whoever finds this useful/isnt getting results;

if the ā€˜problemā€™ is your mindset:
Listen to Ego dissolution, to help you lessen that identity of yours that is not allowing you to be content with everything

If it helps, great, but donā€™t always rely on it, you need some programming to do :grimacing:

if itā€™s too much, try Emotional Mastering Protocol, if things seem to be putting you in a bad mood instead then control your emotions and allow WW - Contentment to guide you

if the problem is other people;
Listen to the unbreakable

We live in a world where people are often jealous of your successes.
How about instead of those kind of people, why donā€™t we inspire and attract those who are willing to help or to willing to start mutually beneficial successes together.

If you canā€™t afford it, listen to The Grand Jealousy Reflection Field
maybe use it with the new release ā€˜Celebrateā€™


I can second this - the woven world millions feels very intense on my chest, like panic attack symptoms.

Iā€™ve started listening to the heart inflammation field afterwards to counteract this and give some ā€œreleaseā€.

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:point_up: This.

And to expand on this ( :point_down: ):

Itā€™s been my experience that contentment brings things which give us more reasons to feel more contentment about.


I think this can help a bit for explaining manifestations thing :grin:


So I donā€™t have this field yet- but I just want to say that for any field, my personal ā€œpracticeā€ if you want to call it that is not draw final conclusions for a month. Now if something should pop up before that Iā€™ll get excited and talk about it if I think itā€™s relevant. Sometimes I know right away what a field is doing for me. But, just like with ā€œregular manifestingā€ if you will, pieces take some time to come together, unless youā€™re like a manifesting pro (which admittedly I am not)- Iā€™m super undisciplined in my thinking and itā€™s all over the place! So I give it extra time. Itā€™s different for everyone. The point: give it awhile and then see :heart:


Testimony: I bought this field on the very first day, so itā€™s been almost a month. I looped it many times a day, partly because the audio is quite short.
After the first few days, I felt very upset with my life and I decided to deal with the problems in my life for good. Now looking back, Iā€™m not sure why, but at that time I felt the urge to buy many fields to help with my depression, my fears, and other issues in my life. I purchased the Vibration series, then the Soul Restoration series, the Crucible series, Aura Repair, even after the sales ended. Normally, I donā€™t spend money that carelessly, but I felt the push to confront every problem in my life, at all costs, like now or never.
And things started to change fast. Itā€™s hard to describe, but basically, I was slowly pushed into situations, in which I either had to deal with my problems head-on or accept my imperfection.
Now, my energy is much better, I stop being obsessed with the past, negative inner thoughts disappear, social fears vanished by 80%, I accept myself and my life, I feel content and joy, I have gained back the lost excitement in living and experiencing life.
My life now is far from perfect and there are still many things to work on. But well, Iā€™m on the right way.


I agree with @Jen that we should wait a little longer to be sure before writing a testimony. However since I wrote the above experience, I would like to update on it now. That problem of two years is resolving now, I had a good conversation with the concerned person after coming to clarity about the matter

I did loose my voice in the process since I have throat issues and I canā€™t talk much at the moment. But hoping it will recover too.

And now further testimonies will only come after I am sure of the results from the field or otherwise.


Whenever I get a nap just after listening to this field ā€¦ I get very unusual but joyful dreamsā€¦ it has happened twice now


Can someone tell me how the audio sounds? :pray:
Flute, violin, piano, didgeridoo, rain ,fire, water, drone, etcā€¦? :dizzy:

And can this replace the abundance mindset and spiritual growth states of being audio?


I used unicorns neighing and ā€¦ wait not this one.


Iā€™d imagine unicorns neighing sounds like horses but with some twinkly fairy dust sounds interspersed


I think of a safari lmao @RobbyHa
it sounds like what youā€™d think wildlife in North Africa sounds like

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itā€™s a also very light like not some quartet piece or something.
which I like
itā€™s a nice break from the other stuff/ refreshing

I think itā€™s a marimba or something lol


I suppose it depends on what youā€™re meaning when you ask about ā€œreplace.ā€ I see ā€œyourā€ two fields (from your question) as having different intentions, functions and actions from this field. So, from my perspective, this field would not ā€œreplaceā€ your two fields. In fact, I could see this field enhancing your two fields.

Might this field accomplish some same end result (that you have in your mind that Iā€™m simply guessing at)? Sure, I can see that as being possible. But thatā€™s me doing a lot of imagining about what you might be wanting and how and all of that.


I have never felt fulfilled in my life and that manifested itself in nervousness, annoyment, discontentment that manifested itself in destructive and compulsive behaviour, etc.

Iā€™ve always looked forward to feel contentment in body and mind(set) with least amount of friction and iā€™ve always felt that is crucial to live be complete life.

Also after the Soul Energy Restoration Series itā€™s much better btw :blush: