Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

then this is it

It’s very intense. I stopped using this one actually because it was too profound lol (but I’m no less I played it for like 6 hours straight- in my defense I was just really vibing with the music)


Fair enough. I see how this field would be helpful with that (as well as the many clearing and healing fields we have available to us).

By the same token, I don’t quite see how the two fields you were asking about necessarily fit into what you’ve just shared and why you would be wanting to “replace” them and how this would be an acceptable field for such a replacement. None of this really matters, because (to my mind) my first line of this reply seems to me to be the answer you’re wanting. (If not, give me more about what you’re wanting.)


Because it’s also about manifestation and manifestation needs the right mindset so i thought, hoped it was implemented, just my assumption and reasoning

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It’s more about contentment (as it says on the tin) than it is about manifestation. I’m just going to suggest that, if you’re needing manifestation before you can feel contentment and fulfillment, then you’ve got the cart before the horse.


Absosute! :dizzy: Thank you for your time and explanations :raised_hands:


Very friendly tune.

With some bird sounds that are super similar to how the birds sound in the neighborhood of the village that I grew up in. That was a really pleasant surprises.

I have also keep hearing what I think really reminds me of the sound of a frag grenade in Modern Warfare 2.


I just want to clarify I don’t know what this audio sounds like yet! I was just making a joke about unicorns


I don’t think this field would replace the mindset audios. It’s more like pushing you and leading you to the situations, people, and things (including fields) that change your mindset for contentment. So the mindset audios would be an excellent supplement to this field.


That’s not the expectation that I would have from this field, no.

It does help you to find and recognize the contentment that is available to you even if you were to have such a job. Finding and recognizing that contentment leads to your looking for other ways you can have more of that contentment, which might be the motivation you need to get the education for a better and more contentment-making job.

There’s also a component to this (and all the Woven World fields) that inspired you to action, which might be deciding that you deserve the contentment that a higher income and more satisfying job can provide for you and so you start applying for such jobs.


I have, woven world contentment and cone of power, both the fields. Do I still need to use cone of power for specific desires or can I just put the intention of my specific desire while playing this field itself ? @Captain_Nemo

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The cone of power help with specific desires and more toward your goal in a specific way. On the other hand this woven working on general goal. That attract contentment. Go use cone of power if you want to attract better health or money in that case. Hope it help


What I was trying to ask is this … I am anyway using this field everyday …can I just put my intent while using this one for specific goals as well or do I still need to use cone of power for specific desires

I am aware that this field is for wholesome contentment. But it is also through manifestation so wanted to know if it can also work this way … replacing cone of power

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Nah it doesn’t replace cone of power. Even though it has the field in it but it’s not replacing it. But if you find your manifestations as ( contentment) being content then I think it ja enough. But if you put intention while using it. This field alone already done it for you. It’s auto manifestor


Yeah @anon36920264. I have read this comment a few times and I am confused with the language used by @Unbreakable … and so captain’s response of ‘no’ becomes unclear as well… as to what exactly he said no for.
Honestly even after reading this whole thread more than once … I am still confused about how this field acts exactly and what are the effects it can produce and in which way? Also is it a superset to cone of power since contentment comes by this field on manifestation of desires and this field has auto visualisation and actions too in the process of manifestation


Unbreakable asked a question and also expressed an statement

It’s obvious to me he said no to the question, I don’t see why he would deny what unbreakable said


From how I am understanding this field … this field indeed is a superset to cone of power because it takes the goals and visualise it and drive actions to final manifestation and contentment as a result of all this. The only doubt I have is on how does it pick which goal to work on or does it work on all at once or none at all…

Since in cone of power you can pick your goal yourself, however it only provides power to your own visualisation… it doesn’t do anything else like the woven world fields do.
Sorry for multiple tagging :pray:t2:


“act” :arrow_up:

What I understand is that It will make you act towards a reality where you are content with all aspects of your life, even if you right now don’t know what that is yet

Maybe that is part of the process, part of the journey this field will take you to

My best advice is, do not resist the field

To be able to change a behavior, a part of us has to ‘die’. :slightly_smiling_face:


Such a profound statement and so appropriate and thanks for reminding :blush:
So one area of my life I was really struggling with has come to contentment already on using this field for a week. And boy did I have to die for it … yes … two decades of a part of my identity had to die to come to this contentment. And things did change also in the external … it was two way. It was not easy though … I was in extreme depression for this whole week but came out happier and better … so this is what this field did to me in practical… and I am ready for more of it for all the different things I need contentment with…. only I want to known if I have a choice to prioritise the areas of my life that needs attention first (in my opinion) or do I have to just surrender to the field ?


No, it’s not. It’s about manifesting a situation that brings you contentment. The magic in this woven world series is that it’s a complete package that pushes you to take actions that will bring about the desire results. Most other techniques and tools requires some level of visualization and/or intentional acts, which are quite hard for some people. Thus, this series takes of the burden from such users to get results.