Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

I wonder if this will help me. Im trying to decide on this series or PONR stack. My problem is I been getting repetitive negative thoughts even though everything is going perfect its like I feel it wont last long etc, some type of fear or something idk


Iā€™ve been using PONR since it came out - I can relate to this totally, but the last few weeks (I listen to PONR x2 every morning) - I feel relatively at ease, and the fear of the unknown isnā€™t as prevalent as it once was.

Sounds a bit like imposter syndrome, itā€™s very common amongst successful people, surprisingly.

As the famous quote by Andrew Gove states - ā€œonly the paranoid surviveā€

The classification of good and bad is very human and egotistical - there is no such thing as good or bad, they are two degrees of the same thing (as dictated by the Kybalion).

Maybe the fear has some use to you, the PONR audio may be able to help you live with it, minus the self sabotage.


I think Captain said this is not a smart field.
I thought maybe this was the case by detecting your intention and creating a visualization based on that.
Itā€™s not a smart field.


The thought of you giggling makes my heart feel bouncing panda on heart
very light!


Im using this field since its release, at least 4 time everyday (2x in a stack with other fields) and I was also using the unexpected gifts too, but rather occasionally, not every day.
I always wanted to build a house outside city/town. Last saturday a distant uncle contated my father and said, that he wants to give us a land 15km from closest city, because he has no one to inherit it, and most of his friends are not with us anymore. We are in the process of signing the papers etc right now. It will not be an inheritance, but a gift. The land is enough to pay up two mortgage loans (mine and my parentā€™s flats) and there will still be more than enough left to build 2 houses!
Last time I saw this uncle was about 15 years ago, same as my father, thus it was even bigger of a suprise.

If anyone is wondering, my stack is:
Subconscious Limit Dissolver
Ego Dissolution
The Unbreakabe
Woven Words - Contentment x2
The Navigator of Awe
Torus Weaved Respect x2

I listen to those fields every morning and every evening.
Also, before going to work I use Probability Alteration and Luck x3
And during the day I listen the MahaGanapati Yagna at least once daily, and Capital Governance at least two times a day. sometimes I also use Unexpected gifts, and other fields such as health related, after workout fields etc I use as needed, depending on situation.
I also wear Best Path in Life and Intercession fields 24/7

Thank you, Capitan


So in short can we manifest specific things with this?

no, use cone of power to manifest specific things


ā€œIt is not about feeling good about a bad situation, ā€˜my life is falling apart, but i feel great and contentā€™
no, it is to ā€˜createā€™ the good situation.
Where you are happy and satisfied etc for yourself.ā€

I guess I can see why this can help with specific things maybe, creating some good situations (specific situations perhaps)

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(If you had your answer, why did you ask the question?)


Nonetheless this field can span many things at once, getting a good job, good love life, etc. whereas Cone of Power is good for specific manifestation

Sometimes in life itā€™s good to have people back you up :sweat_smile: just to confirm

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And when they donā€™t back you up, is it just as ā€œgoodā€ to debate them for helping you?


Alright bro relax now lol, itā€™s not that deep

Thanks for the reply though :pray: :prayer_beads:

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If I had to choose between this and the Solidier

Which one would you recommend everyone?

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Solidifier(personal preference)


If you have specific big goals, choose Solidifier. But you can put only one command in the Solidifier at a time. Cone of Power is a cheaper alternative (not sure if they have the same power).
If your life is a mess or you want to improve many aspects of your life in the long term, choose Woven Worlds - Contentment.
I would invest in all: Woven Worlds - Contentment for life-long contentment, Cone of Power for daily manifestation, and Solidifier for big manifestation.


how did you noticed this

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I have been using this field from the first day of release and Iā€™ve noticed that it led me to work with one area of life at a time: social life, love life, careerā€¦ And it happened, new people came up in my life, incidents happened to make me reflect and realize what would make me content in the long run, information popped up out of nowhere so that I could work on my issues.

For example, I was kind of avoiding my love life and totally ok with being single. Iā€™m not a party type of girl, but one day my friend was literally begging me to come with her to a party. At the party, one guy asked me out and I gave him my phone number, which was very out of my character. Then we started dating and of course, I had many issues with being in a romantic relationship. Then Youtube suggested a video about fearful avoidant attachment style, which led me to a very good Youtube channel about attachment style, which gave me access to very good courses to work on my problems. And I also by chance purchased the Black Panther NFT to improve my confidence, but then realized that it helped me a lot with understanding and releasing emotional wounds, which are somehow correlated with my blocking in love relationships.

So now I kind of know what this field wants me to work on when the time comes. I donā€™t remember which manifestations were blocked because I normally have a long manifestation list and I record only the successful ones. The recent ones I remember were my manifestations regarding traveling to visit a relative and a friend. They had invited me to their place before but somehow they were either busy or did not answer my message. And I immediately knew that it was not the time for traveling and I should start working on something else instead. It turned out to be better this way since this summer is too hot to travel in Europe and I have plenty of free space and time to work on myself.


Finally i bought this gem with a discount code after waiting for two monthsā€¦

After 5 seconds i felt the electricity in my whole physical body. This field is very present for me and doing :100:% itā€™s thing.

I listened 6 times followed by new perspectives and conceptual realizations and these last two fields feel very different than before. They are much better felt and integrated! :blush:

Energy sensitivity :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

I knew this one would be amazing. I feel very fortunate! :white_heart:


if i combine this with the Woven worlds: the journey of the chosen one they will not clash?