Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

I’m not following the train of your logic. Wouldn’t you rather be a Contented Chosen One, instead of a disgruntled or dissatisfied chosen one?

What am I missing?

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then there would be no problem combining those two?, that’s my question (just curious)
it is just to confirm to listen to them
but i think i get it, thank u


I don’t see a “problem,” which is why I phrased my reply to you as I did.

You’re welcome.


hmm how about this one, anyone got result from this part?

I originally thought the only difference between manifestation and weaving a world was a matter of scale. However, I later noticed this comment:

Maoshan is well respected, and I became worried about the implications of using this field after reading the quoted post from him. I stopped using the field for now and wish to gain more clarity
about the aspect of the field that might be reaching into other timelines.

Are some elements or energies taken from other timelines in order to achieve the goal of the field? I can not use this field not being sure if my usage might alter negatively other timelines.

I hope someone will clarify this.

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Why not
It’s such a joy crossing from one timeline into another
Traveling into total unknown is the most beautiful experience

This is a field and a thread about contentment, not about entertainment.
The destination and goal is not total unknown at all but contentment with

Your family, your home, your finances, direction your life is going and just the pure joy of living

Not understanding the moral implications of using this field actually brings me discontent. I thus prefer to let the field be until Captain or someone knowledgeable like @SammyG explains enough

Can you explain what you mean by this?

I think if there is involvement in another timeline, it would be included in the description.

Personally, I think there is enough abundance in this timeline or other timelines, no need to move or pull from one to another.

This field is an auto-conceptualization and auto-manifestation of life contentment in all aspects. Many people seem to overlook the auto-conceptualization part and think that this field will manifest their own current standards of contentment. In my experience, it does not work this way. This field first will change your conception of contentment to align with your true soul, maybe by creating some new experiences in your life so that you can look back and reflect on what truly makes you content with this life, maybe by introducing some new perspectives so that you can see new possibilities that you did not know before. And being able to feel contentment with life may be simpler than you expected.

In my own experience, when I first bought this field, I expected that it would make me very rich, have a high-level high-paid job, perfect social life, and more because there would be no way I would be content with my life without those things. A lot has happened since then. And one day, by accident, when I was looking for a Youtube channel to watch videos in German to study the language, I stumbled on the concept of minimalism (Minimalismus in German) and was introduced to a minimalistic lifestyle. After some contemplation, I realized that I don’t need all grandeur things to feel happy, contentment can derive from small activities and things in my life, like meditating, doing sports, completing tasks, eating good food, having good sleep, … And I can create a daily routine that I feel content with, no need to have more money, no need to have more people in my life, no need to have big changes and miracles. And there are also some small changes in my life that make me feel more content, like moving to a new apartment (I was forced to move and the apartment was kind of randomly appointed to me), starting meditation (because I just got an offer for 1-year free app for meditation from a random advertisement post in Instagram), doing sport regularly (because I got to know one new friend and she wanted to try all sport classes at the university - our university offers free sports classes to students). In terms of the financial aspect, I feel more content after joining this forum because although I did not have any job within the last 2 years, moved to a much more expensive country, I’m still able to afford a lot of fields and NFTs while many people here have to save up many months of salary to buy a field.

Sorry for the lengthy post, I think it’s the side effect of my using the Scholar NFT :joy: :joy: :joy:. My point is don’t complicate contentment in general and this field in particular. It’s a great field and still one of my favourites so far.


Sure, let’s recapitulate and summarize:

  • @Maoshan_Wanderer claimed that this field is reaching in other timelines
  • I then got worried about the moral implications and other implications of using this field
  • I stopped using this field until I am sure it is ethical and safe for all
  • Not using the field because I do not understand it enough brings me the feeling of missing on something I invested in, a form of discontent
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Can you outline exactly what you’re worried about with this?


It has been done in my previous posts, but here is some outlining:
I can not use this field not being sure if my usage might alter negatively other timelines.
I stopped using this field until I am sure it is ethical and safe for all

I appreciate your reply Jen, thanks. And I appreciate you @duongtho88 relating your experience with this field. Funny to see how contentment was redefined for you :smiley: Kein Problem mit lenghty posts, it is an interesting topic

It seems my previous statements were not enough to convey my concern, so here is an example that may hopefully help: to borrow from timeline Peter to pay for timeline Paul is not what I am looking for.

I however do not know anything about timelines. I did not even know such might actually exist before reading in this forum. So I would not say I assume much about timelines.

This field seems very powerful. I find it wise to know as much as possible how powerful tools work before using them. Maoshan, whose opinions I generally trust, mentioned timelines. Because of the unknown, imagination starts to worry about what timelines might or might not be. I will not rely on guesses for this field. It seems too important.

I also can not rely on the description of the field alone @duongtho88, as I know some descriptions are left vague on purpose and some secrets of fabrication might be hidden.

An authoritative answer would be deeply appreciated.

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You are misrepresenting my quote to make it sound ominous. lol

We are interacting with timelines, dimensions, etc., when sleeping, dreaming and in other ways, though we don’t realize it.

If you are worried, don’t use it, simple! Sapien library has something else for everyone. No one’s forcing anyone to use any of the fields, right? But no fear-mongering please…


I am very sorry this is your reading of my posts. You are completely misrepresenting them :crying_cat_face:
Internet communication is so difficult and causes many misunderstandings.

Having genuine worries and concerns for well-being of others is not fear-mongering!

As a new member, I expected more understanding and compassion from a community that generally seems welcoming.

I mentioned I do not know anything about timelines and of course I can display some awkwardness and ignorance.

As an owner of the field, I believe I have the right to know if it is safe to use when and if want to use it.
I also do not see field(s) that easily replace this one, so it is not so simple to just discard it.

Could you please shed some light on this thread @Dreamweaver?
It seems like it is unnecessarily taking a wrong direction


This field would never have been offered if it was unsafe. If you have concerns, ask before you buy.


THIS! Why would Sapien release a field unless it was safe even for novice users? Sapien has been around for a decade and there are no instances where his fields caused trouble, people got entangled in multiple timelines, or other outwordly issues and so on. He has a proven track record - so not sure what else you want to hear? Captain to drop in personally and say “It is safe, I did not create a field that will cause harm”? Common man, be reasonable. And why be fearful of a concept you self-admittedly do not even understand?


I read the description of the field and it felt safe, so I bought it without concerns.

Then I read a comment from someone who seemed knowledgeable (Maoshan), and did not feel it was safe anymore, so I stopped using it. The safety here concerns all beings in all timelines.

Just reformulating here what I wrote previously. Next time I will read comments before buying a field I guess. The goal of this field is still appealing to me

And why be fearful of a concept you self-admittedly do not even understand?

I fear what I do not know and do not understand more than what I do understand. I don’t know exactly why.

Thanks for writing about Sapien’s track record.

I stil hope Captain will reply personally one day, yes. If my questions and posts were not clear to him, he would probably mention it then

I would be more concerned with the testimony of a forum member that “seemed knowledgeable”. I hope you asked questions of them. It would be helpful if you refer us to the posts so all info is present. It’s hard to assist you when we don’t have the details. Although, you won’t find anyone more knowledgeable than the creator of this field. We trust our Captain.

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