Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

I would be more concerned with the testimony of a forum member that “seemed knowledgeable”.

I felt I mentioned Maoshan_Wanderer enough in my previous posts. It is him who seemed knowledgeable and he already clarified what he meant (thanks).

Although, you won’t find anyone more knowledgeable than the creator of this field

I came to realize this and decided to tag him in a previous post

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I believe it is totally fine. Your concern is kind of cute almost, you have the utmost care for the other “yous” in other timelines.

The better way to picture this is like a near infinite possibilities of you, heading in all different timelines, directions and lives. And then the goal you picture yourself to be here, the aspects of the other yous will be copied and pasted onto the you here, that is, those that align with your envisioned goal.

So, in essence, nothing is ‘taken’ or ‘gained’, it’s more like tapped into and downloaded. None of the other ‘yous’ is being used


Good. I’m glad you feel more resolved. It’s hard for Captain to respond to his many tags, though.


You do indeed understand my intent. A nice relief after some rashness.
A field to avoid misunderstandings would be a great asset for the forum and the world. If it is something at all feasible.

I really like your interpretation of this!
If this get confirmed I will be able to use this field as a cornerstone of my playlists as originally intended


hey guys

Debating on whether to buy this

I think this will help with getting into my desired university

What do you guys think


It will, contentment is most important when it comes to manifestations.

It allows them to happen without any friction, because you have zero resistance towards what you want to happen and don’t get in your own way.

But just my thoughts, feel free to get others inputs here as well.


I’ve put my intention in solidifier already

Just trying to use every single tool I can

FWIW, I read that reply of the Cap’n’s differently. I can’t speak for the Cap’n nor can I claim to know what he meant. But as I scroll up and read the broader conversation, it seemed to me that he was answering “No” to the question about needing visualization with this field.

That being said, I had the same thought as @AkiraTheWild did: The Solidifier more directly answers your questions, @Josh. Beyond that direct answer (since you already have The Solidifier), there are a bunch of what I’d call secondary fields which you can use to help your desired manifestation. This might be one of those secondary fields. So would Magic, Cone of Power; some would even say The Magician fields.

Enjoy your university career!


thank you @WellBeing !
here is the stack I have made so far

Navangraha Homam 1x
Abundance mindset 1x
A life of magical abundance 1x
powerful good luck 1x
unexpected gifts 1x
Probability and luck alteration 1x
coincidence and synchronocity 1x
wheel of fortune 1x
hand of glory 1x
spear of destiny 1x
gratitude and abundance 1x


I would say this is one of the most important field to listen. This is literally the lazy guide to achieving pure content. It automatically manifest and conceptualize for you based on what makes you happy. After doing research on myself and understanding what makes me content, I came to a conclusion.

My definition of contentment is having deep relationship with the people I can spend the rest of my life with it. I did not have the luxury of being able to have many friends, nor had friends that actually cared about me when during my childhood and adolescent years. Ever since I got rid of my social anxiety, body dysmorphia and got rid of self doubts with Point of No Return (paid) and Blueprint of Life, this new me has been struggling because my anxiety is what kept me content, because ya know being away from people, alone in my house was my comfort zone and I hated interacting with people.

Now this new me, was struggling to know how to be content with life, and using this field consistently is making me feel content, like everything is alright, how do I describe this feeling? This feeling is like you know your positive ideal outcome is here, don’t worry about it, that’s the sort of feeling I am experiencing. It’s like the dream you wish you had, but you DO have it, and it’s coming to reality and you can’t help but think is this real? Am I dreaming? Am I alive? Man I’m just feeling excited lol.


Based on my experience it will help with anything you truly want. It could also huide you to other fields, courses of action etc one thing at a time.
I still have goals and all but I have manifested so much things with it land, chance at work that ended up in promotion, new top tier gaming pc, better realationship with relatives, getting rid of harmful “friends” etc although I think all of this is combined effect of Contentment field and other fields such as BPIL and Navigator of Awe, but this field was definietly what set things in very fast motion.
before using this field I didnt have “baseline happines” now even on a “bad day” Im 70 on a 0 to 100 scale at least.
If my eternity was going to look like my present that would be so amazing.
As I said I still have goals and all but there is no reason for me to complain on anything, ever.
If I had to choose only one field this would definitely be contender.


We have a field for that, it’s called “Conceptual realizations”.


I agree, but I meant something more generally available and probably less powerful than a paid field. Something optionally embedded in the website for example. It could address emotional issues. We can discuss this more in another thread or privately if you wish, not to get off topic.

I understand that you were making a different point but you might be pleased to know that…

…just because it’s a paid field doesn’t mean it’s more powerful than a free field.


Is the field also in the picture?

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nope only in audio


this field is definitely drawing me in…


If you guys look back at my previous comment, my contentment was to have deep lasting and meaningful friendship. Behold, I reunited with my childhood best friend whom I was not in contact with for 11 years. When I was working at my dad’s business, his mom came in and I hadn’t recognize her until she recognized me and said my name and told me my best friend was outside in the car.

You had no idea how fast I ran to meet him. It can’t be coincidence that met him so randomly, it has to be this field.


“Choose your reality” Amazing
but at the same time visualization is not needed so how would this field really get us what we “want to be content with” without actively thinking about it?

Let’s say someones definition of “contentment” is a happy healthy relationship with a significant other, would this field get someone there, or etc (really anything) @Dreamweaver