Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

It tries to manifest a content life for you as an individual

that means it can do almost anything

better job, better home, better social circle, relationships

results of course vary because not everyone would be content with the same thing


Big fan of this field but just one question thatā€™s always been lurking in my mind

What does this field categorize as ā€œcontentmentā€?

Is it contentment thatā€™s broad in the sense that it will manifest certain things YOU think will be categorized as contentment (such as a car that you been wanting or saving up for, higher salary from a job youā€™re working at, etc) or is just the broad manifestation of non specific things related to contentment?


Key word is ā€œconceptualizeā€, whatever you find content, will automatically bring the outcome for you. I suggest you listen to conceptual realization if you can, it will aid in the process of what you desire to be contentment.



That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing


Fields always have immediate effects on me, but I also like routine, consistency and running experiments on myself/situations. What this beautiful piece has created within three months looks, feels and sounds like:

:eyes: It looks like frustration, boredom and restrictions are disappearing and are replaced by a new sense of purpose.

šŸ«“ It feels like difficult situations have now come to an end, and shifting attention on new things and new beginnings.

:ear:t2:It sounds like endless gratitude for many blessings, abundance and prosperity.

(In synergy with the Mandelbrot Symphony (review))

My aimā€™s for things around me and within me to be secure, and trust that Iā€™m guided to the right path for my highest, greatest good and happiness! Owing to this, now I feel much more content and feel proud of myself for having overcome the obstacles that have been put in my path.

I feel that this should be one of the fields people should first invest in when theyā€™re going through rough time in life or seeking upgrade, will evidently see results, be consistent and take the action when itā€™s presented!

Just like what Captain said


As people said in previous comments it points one to fields, materials,coursesā€¦ etc needed to reach next level towards contentment but does it also help in manifesting resources for that or is another field needed for that?

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In my experience yes, it has manifested resources for that, people that can help, be in the right place at the right time, serendipities, epiphanies etc

But the strongest thing i feel from it, its a profund confidence and joy while things move forward, and when i am in that vibration if things dont come to me i happily go find them, a deep motivation sprinkles my days with magic to find what i want and need but also specially also the things i didnt know i needed or wanted.


Thanks for sharing that , im convinced to get it soon. Are there any ā€˜tips&tricksā€™ to maximize the results with this field? In general im pretty new with morphic fields also using some subliminals and biofields so trying to find a sweet spot of not overloading my nervous system but still forcing a rapid growth and progression.

Should i use some booster as well? Found something on youtube ā€™ Hyper Velocity Results Machineā€™ from quiadible intergrity supposedly boosts any field or sublim. It is good to use this with such a field as woven worlds? Since im complete newbie in this area rather just ask more experienced users.


Nothing fancy really.

The field has proven to me that is powerful enough all alone, all i can tell you is to go with the flow, take every opportunity that comes your way, even if you doubt it.

To me, this field indirectly protects me as well.

By aligning the path to bring the best of what my heart wants along the best of what my higherself knows i want and would be beneficial for me, it drops what does not resonate with that and so it swerves the things/people/situations that wouldnt fit in my ideal life.

Thats all really, honestly it doesnt need more than a heart open to flow.


That is incredibly beautiful and wise , i seen so often people spend endless effort and time on goals and things when achieved bring little joy for short while until it just becomes the same old, what the mind thinks it wants is often not what brings real contentment and satisfaction in life , so many end up entangled in socially conditioned goals. Im Still waiting to get it as they have no customer support to msg backā€¦ Just curious does your higherself put you on ur ideal spiritual path with this field?

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No, it happened before with Best Path in Life tag, it helped me recognize or confirmed that the things i deeply love or enjoy doing are actually in sync with my path.

But i stopped wearing it because there is a plan i designed to work on before i fully immerse myself in walking my best path. Im still building those dreams is not that i left them behind, im working increasingly more and more on them, but in the mean time i am taking advantage of my skills to financially build the security i need to step completely into what id like to do.

There are other fields that have assisted me with it, fortunately i also enjoy using my skills, so Contentment has helped me feel good positive and forward while i get to where i want.

And the best part is that it has been tho slowly, steadily intertwining what i want with my skills and what is available for me to build.

100% recommend it.


Added this tremendous field back to the stack, time to manifest some things Iā€™ve always wanted :muscle:t4:


Does anyone know how long this or fields in general last for in the body and mind after being played and for how long till they kick in into results , just to know what expect.

@anon73693188 @Forumuser How many times a day did you play it and how long do you rest between and what was the time frame before u started seeing results?

Since im doing some heavy sublims as well is it fine to take few days break between playing woven worlds since i dont do it everyday so the mind can process everything.

Just 3

I play them bk to bk right away

Very fast like 2 days

Just keep in mind that results vary from people to people, i was pretty down emotionally when i got it, so of course i felt the uplit and infuse of reassurance right away, for someone that is already more or less fine with how things are in life then it could take a little more conscious analysis to see the new game being played out, like for instance, we tend to doubt our goals, we wonder a lot if we are in the right path etc, even if we do, we doubt because things are not happening the way we envisioned them or as fast.

So if you are indeed in the right path you might not see much of a difference at first, until it gains momentum to propel what you have already been working on then youll notice the speed up.

But again, every experience is different. And we all have different expectations, this field to me in particular should be felt right away, just this knowing inside that all is and will work out right for you, so if you are not feeling/seeing anything, then prime your body/mind/enviroment first to give it a push

Like ego dissolution
Energy blockages removal
Environmental accumulator
Pranic swirls

Also a great addition for me has been the Probability Wave


Or sleep with Higherself connection on loop for a few days before it

And re

Nah you dont need to

Just play it with hours apart from the subs


I have 3 repetitions in my stack which I use before and after sleep so 6 times


After 1 day the chess pieces are being reshuffled out there in the physical worldā€¦ man these woven worlds fields do not mess around! Might need to hold on tight for a bit.

Headed towards a good place though


I purchased this field on the sale recently.

I can attest to this.
I have been struggling with relationships, I am dating a lot but want I really just want to be with my ex again. My ex did not want to be in relationship with me so after much suffering I ended things.

I have been playing this field a lot, including overnight loop.
I feel ups and downs, but I feel some things started to change. I started talking to someone new. the situation is not ideal because they will leave my town soon. not very far but enough to consider it long distance. but it is someone I am excited about.

I never bumped into my ex since breakup and today I saw them with a ā€œnewā€ person which very much looked like a date. it is a friend but I had a feeling they had something going on under the surface which is why it was not working with me.
It made me a little upset but not too much. I feel like it is maybe painful but somehow I have a certainty that this is a step towards something good for me. Somehow it feel like good sign, not bad.

I dont want to go into details too much but seeing my ex at that place and time was extremely, extremely unlikely. For weeks i have been looking out for them. i had to walk in front of their apartment for regular appointments i have close to their building and i was always anxious a bit but i never saw them.

I am curious to see what else comes next.

Does anyone know why slow pace is advised in the beginning? Is it because of the speed of change or something else?


Just few minutes after i typed this above. I bump into my previous housemate in a bus stop. We live in the same city but I never bump into him in 4 years.

This field helps me also to point out what is holding me back. After playing for some time I start to feel anxious and think about things that make me feel bad. I play internal alchemical crucible then and release the emotions. I feel much relief and i keep playing this field and keep addressing things that come up.
I also play magic version of woven worlds but i want to focus on this now so i play mostly this.
I will update regularly and i wish other people update too if they use it.