Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

I don’t know the manifested…
The magician nft is very good for specific manifestations. Probably also solidifier but i also dont have that.

This one the goal is already set for you, it’s not based on your intention.


Hi Sapienuser01
Buddha head welcome


What gives a person a sense of contentment?
What is needed in life to be happy and fulfilled?

This is a highly individual question with highly individual answers.

The way i see it, it’s a combination of meeting ‘needs’.
If someone is content with their financial situation, there is no feeling of lack, so there is no overcompensation - no need to fantasise about the things you could do as the richest person in the world that you can’t do now, if there is no void that those experiences would fill.

If someone is fully satisfied with their sexual life, there is no need to fantasise about all the other things you want to fill the gap of dissatisfaction.

When your social bonding needs are met via your current friends group, there is no drive to keep going out several times a week to try and make (new) friends.

This is applicable to all areas of life. An example everyone would understand is:
When you’re fully satisfied with the meal you’ve had, there is no need to keep eating.
When there is significant lack somewhere, it’s hard to see how this can be applied to that specific area.
But this is contentment. Applied to all areas of life.

This is what the field helps achieve.
I’m shocked by how unlikely some of the events have been that I have been experiencing since I’ve been using this.
It’s like all areas of my life are moving towards a state “better suited” to me.
Nothing big. I haven’t won the lottery, I haven’t made radical changes. Yesterday an incredibly unlikely event happened. I got to meet some old friends through a series of coincidences and we got to spend a few hours together. It made me so happy i was happy and excited the whole day. I can’t believe how everything just fell into place. If you only knew how unlikely this was… we all live abroad, in different countries. Even the chances that we would be in the same country are super small, let alone in the same city, and also finding out about it and managing to arrange things so quickly…

Again… it’s not an objectively huge thing that turned my life upside down in a good way.
But it’s something that impacted my overall life and wellbeing in a way that the “social bonding needs” drawer in my life got a serious bump.
There have been many small changes like that :)


I think this field is a must have for everyone, if there is one field I would rec to anyone to buy, it would without a doubt be this

Just like Cap said

“Choose your destiny”, let it bring you the things that would make you content


Bumping to remind you of the sale going on for the must have fields

This one, its def one of them.

With consistent use, it helps you build the life you want but also the life you didnt know you wanted, it discover it for you, in all aspects of your life.


Ok my experience so far.
Think i started this field at start of avgust this year ,played every second day once as it felt overstimulating .

Overall ironically the opposite of contentment ,im quite dissapointed. Dont feel like i manifested anything and even lost some things that did bring contentment . The feeling boost last a little bit but fades away to the old normal threshold.

I dont feel any more content overall than when i started … i will try to increase to play it everyday once till january since i already paid full price for this but so far feels completely wasted money .


I would take a look at the Vibration of Creation and combine it with Woven Worlds - Contentment

In my experience things bring mostly comfort and/or pleasure not really contentment. Being content means you are literally content with whatever arises in (your) life. Once you are content with everything life will becomes a play. On the surface things come and go but they have no impact on how you’re feeling. You will always feel abundant. There is also something like prarabdha karma. This karma plays at this very moment. If it’s not meant for you to become rich etc then it will never happen. Some will prove me wrong but is where i’m at right now. Sometimes you have to lose to win.

I lost a lot in this lifetime and especially during the last years. Lots of material things, friends, girlfriends… All my dreams are smashed. I don’t have a car, no heating, no warm water etc. I still enjoy things, but I don’t really depend on them. Slowly i’m becoming almost desire less. But what i gained is an immense feeling of joy and awareness just to be alive.

Life is process. Enjoy it while it lasts! One day the process will be complete…

Don’t take it personally but the ego is fighting back. Always remember the person (ego) does not exist. Your are the self! Always! The divine is playing with each of us. Just surrender. There’s no other way.


You really hit the elites slogan " u will own nothing and be happy" :slight_smile: hope it works out for you .

But i dont find point in that perspective like any joy here is nothing compared to joy from a better realm without a material body. I can be desireless when im dead now is time to enjoy the human state.
Nor is karma set in stone , some go to extreme lenghts of socery to change it and the amount of damage some elites cause would be too much karma to ever process unless they could bypass it someway.


We are human beings! That literally means that we should know how to be. That is clearly not the case. It’s not a problem but then at least accept the suffering. We created it ourselves…

I wish you gentle transformations! :white_heart:


With the current cosmic weather : lovely Homams, astro fields, and this definitely highlighted for me
-moon just ingressed, joining planet party; soon welcoming turbo-charged new moon (solar eclipse). What better way to gladly receive desired destiny wrapped as new beginnings, opportunities, laying the groundwork, allowing powerful chess pieces to move and kick things up a notch, possibly monumental w/ a brute force energy, but ever so elegantly done. :sparkles:



I have played this for nearly 3 months.

I can’t really tell what has changed as I sometimes have a hard time noticing changes, maybe there were changes but the change were so gradual I couldn’t notice.

Looking back at the 3 month journey I guess it led me to the right fields because I learned a little about myself and what I can/should do. Especially with the astrology effect on my life.

But I am far from contentment, I am not there yet but I can sort of get a gist of what I have to do in order to reach there.



OG image


Just wondering if I missed something, please bear with my ignorance. Does the change of the title with the added revisited and the new picture indicate that there is a new version of the field? (or that the field was changed). Thanks


Hi Dondrup. Revisited refers to new artwork being added to remind the community of a perhaps forgotten gem. The field is the same


Hi @Dondrup!

Nice 2 C U