Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

I always been scared to use this too much, am scared it might sway me from getting into a school I want.

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Sounds like a hidden fear of success.
ā†’ Mindsettings


Iā€™m very draw to this field but my pocket wonā€™t allow me to buy it.

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This is your best chance as there is 33% discount, will end in few hours.


Thanks for mentioning it. Does the field attracts money or opportunities to make money?






OG image


Are all these revisits just updated listing artwork/descriptions or is Captain updating the field as well (I noticed the deliverables themselves havenā€™t changed)?



Anybody has tried that together with Best Path in Life (mandala or tag)?

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I have millions and the mandala, as soon as I decide where my money making efforts are going (mainly so millions can get a foothold), I plan to dedicate part of my journal to it for this exact reason.


Yeah, and how does the combination feel like?

I think Sammy was saying something that those clash.

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I would imagine itā€™s not so much that they clash as thereā€™s a chance to. I may be miserable as a millionaire, at which point BPIL simply will do its all to keep that from happening. But, Iā€™m choosing to frame the interaction as BPIL can tap into the energetic push of millions to get me to where Iā€™d be happiest. Whether or not thatā€™s actually doing anything is another story.

I do know that Glory was listed as an almost direct contradiction as Glory will let you go after whatever you want and BPIL would keep undercutting it if itā€™s not a match. The reason I went with millions over contentment was all my work with TFP kept just coming back ā€œMillionsā€ over and over for about a month.

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Hey! Who took a photo of my private island!

:sunglasses: :desert_island:


The paparazzi will be parachuting in . . .

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Your private island has been annexed by the Sapien federation. :smiley:


Ok, so basically you believe they will ā€œreach a compromiseā€.

Just what if you having millions would be preventing from some experiences, something u have to learn and need it to level up personally and vibrationally?

Itā€™s hard to say, perhaps we may ask Sammy again :D

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I would also like to know

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Fields are untouched. Simply new image and text designs :slight_smile:


Yeah, but then thereā€™s the argument that if you have BPIL deployed, and millions isnā€™t a match, the circumstances to come about millions, buy it, and use it will never truly manifest themselves.

I try not to play 5D head chess with what ifā€™s. Whatā€™s for me will find me, and what isnā€™t will fall away. If I resist either, then yeah, a bunch of problems will crop up and that should be my sign that Iā€™m making the path more difficult than it needs to be through my choices. But I hardly believe that something as inconsequential as owning a field and using it is going to completely derail my life such as the timeline where I donā€™t own it and use it is 100% never accessible again. That way lies madness.

Point of clarity - difficulty is different from frustration and thatā€™s where I draw my line. If Iā€™m frustrated, so much so that even accomplishing my goals is frustrating me further, Iā€™ve gone off the rails. If there is to be difficulty, Iā€™m aiming for difficulty with a sense of accomplishment/satisfaction.