Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

Then I suggest you use the older fields that always gave you huge results and come back to us.

If you want to share more details about the amounts that you pulled in before and after, that could give us a better idea. 70% drop is very different in a 100€ or 1,000,000€ income. Again check the logic not the nominal values.

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I really can’t see how you can come to such a conclusion, to be perfectly frank.

How and where are negative reviews not welcome?

SammyG is famous for giving second, third, fourth and more chances to people, because he sees that they are hurting and wanna get better.

Dream takes almost immediate action upon getting reviews that perhaps a field isn’t working as effectively as it’s supposed to.

Negative comments can lead to very useful discussions about fields and their applications, experimenting with different stacks and viewing the world from a different perspective.

You seem to have been in a cycle of:

  • Posting a new thread with a clickbait title
  • Receiving all kinds of comments (due to the aforementioned clickbait that you admitted to deliberately choosing so yourself),
  • Apparently ignoring the useful comments
  • Then repeating the steps above multiple times
  • Finally out of frustration saying that negative reviews aren’t welcome

Talk about a pattern…

But yes, you are very welcome to disagree, of course.

And btw, since such comments appeared before:

To anyone who feels like they cannot make a public comment due to potential backlash from the forum, feel free to reach out to the three mods. Everybody is welcome to give their opinion here and should feel safe to do so


I always been scared to use this too much, am scared it might sway me from getting into a school I want.

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Sounds like a hidden fear of success.
→ Mindsettings


I’m very draw to this field but my pocket won’t allow me to buy it.

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This is your best chance as there is 33% discount, will end in few hours.


Thanks for mentioning it. Does the field attracts money or opportunities to make money?






OG image


Are all these revisits just updated listing artwork/descriptions or is Captain updating the field as well (I noticed the deliverables themselves haven’t changed)?



Anybody has tried that together with Best Path in Life (mandala or tag)?

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I have millions and the mandala, as soon as I decide where my money making efforts are going (mainly so millions can get a foothold), I plan to dedicate part of my journal to it for this exact reason.


Yeah, and how does the combination feel like?

I think Sammy was saying something that those clash.

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I would imagine it’s not so much that they clash as there’s a chance to. I may be miserable as a millionaire, at which point BPIL simply will do its all to keep that from happening. But, I’m choosing to frame the interaction as BPIL can tap into the energetic push of millions to get me to where I’d be happiest. Whether or not that’s actually doing anything is another story.

I do know that Glory was listed as an almost direct contradiction as Glory will let you go after whatever you want and BPIL would keep undercutting it if it’s not a match. The reason I went with millions over contentment was all my work with TFP kept just coming back “Millions” over and over for about a month.

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Hey! Who took a photo of my private island!

:sunglasses: :desert_island:


The paparazzi will be parachuting in . . .

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Your private island has been annexed by the Sapien federation. :smiley:


Ok, so basically you believe they will “reach a compromise”.

Just what if you having millions would be preventing from some experiences, something u have to learn and need it to level up personally and vibrationally?

It’s hard to say, perhaps we may ask Sammy again :D

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I would also like to know

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