Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

I’ve been using This audio for a while but Idk what’s going on, I have been getting results in general but nothing with this audio, I don’t expect a million to fall off from the sky but I am just saying. I haven’t started anything or seen anything.
I use the PONR field, so results are no issues, but maybe I lack patience, but Idek. I haven’t really came up with ideas either, no force of action either.


Anyone else spontaneously bust a move while listening to this track?


All the time, even my toddler does :sweat_smile:


I hear you. I had a couple of very adverse financial situations arise after using this and gifts very diligently for over a month… also after signinging up for the protecter. I was ripped off a couple of thousand buying a car (long story) after putting out intention to find the right one easily etc and with no drama. the opposite happened… then a delay in getting back to my profession costing me a couple of thousand.

I do feel its important that we discuss these more edgy kind of things, especially for seasoned field users. I am not complaining. There have been many lessons to integrate from this, but on top of the hurt it caused, ill be honest, it hurt that I felt these fields let me down in this way.
Also though. I am genuinely curious! Why would such intent listening and subscribing to the protector allow such a big loss of money/coin/resources? I am open to hearing ideas, but please consider them carefully if you do choose to share

@Maoshan_Wanderer @Dreamweaver


I signed up to the protector first and found it stabilized my income, as I’m not on a salary so it fluctuates depending on the amount of work I receive. A month or so later I tried this one and it was mentioned that there can be some calibration because of you are on a life path where the probability to create millions is unlikely, there will be some adjustment. I did notice a little loss after this one but it’s early days still. I can see clearly I’m not going to be a millionaire doing what I’ve always done, right? But I have been working on a side business very sloooowly, (so hard changing who you are and what you do) one that can be scaled. Maybe not to a million but it’s not really my intention… more money would just make life easier and I want more time for my family.

In your case, maybe there’s a subconscious limitation that played itself out initially? As the people who buy this field are probably the ones who need the money and have blocks to begin with. I listen to clearing chakra blockage most days and found this helped release some of that old paradigm that likes to keep us stuck along with the fields/nfts I want to take hold. Is it possible for some fields to simply not work for some people?


Funnily enough, I had similar experience concerning my car. Been listening that same combo for months.

I would like to know the same thing.


Too edgy?

I definitely agree there was stuff there to look at…

The way it played out though - a big financial loss/es - has me stumped and a little rocked


So I’ve been reading and it seems like lately users of this field have been experiencing somd financial losses. Having using this field ever since it came out, I too have experienced some major financial losses including a HUGE setback in my business and have to start all over from scratch on another venture (maybe a good thing… only time will tell).
I’m not too sure what to say about this field as of yet but it’s still too early to give a thorough review of it just yet. Maybe some insights from @SammyG or @Dreamweaver as to why some users are finding setbacks in their finances with this field?


Also I want to point out that this field works internally as well as externally from this statement from the description:

“This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done.”

This part right here is what I think the most important part of this field as the ‘auto manifestor’ based on the name should allow you to manifest a million dollars no matter what. Correct me if I’m wrong?

Also, just want to clarify. Only a few listens and the energy lingers around your aura for a few hours at least or does it only affect you while listening. Meaning if I want every second to be closer to a million dollars, would I need to have to playing in the background 24/7. Asking since it says “use as needed” in the description?



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Thanks for the clarification!

I think you bring up an interesting point that often gets overlooked. (I have the feeling that I may have mentioned this upthread, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself here.)

The challenge with an “auto manifestor” with heavy power pushing behind it when we have habits of beliefs and/or behaviors which aren’t conducive to our manifestations is we create for ourselves a rough ride. I think, above, I explained that rough ride with an analogy of being in a powerful racing boat (us) and gunning the engine (this field) whilst the big, heavy anchor (the habits) was weighed. Sure, we’re free to do this but it’s really hard on the boat (and, in this analogy, we’re the boat).

Let me explain it with a different analogy: Picture yourself driving a car, off road, in a heavily-wooded forest. Each tree represents a limiting belief or an unhelpful behavior. Now, we know from our real cars that running into a tree with our car interferes with us getting to where we want to go. We also know from our real cars that if we run into a tree at 5 mph, it’s going to be a lot more comfortable on us and on the car than if we run into that same tree at 50 mph.

So, when you’re driving a car, off road, through a heavily-wooded forest, there are two strategies that make sense:

  1. Go as slow as you can so that you can navigate around the trees as best you can.
  2. Remove the trees until you can comfortably go as fast as you’d like without hitting any trees.

(BTW, we can do these strategies concurrently. They’re not mutually exclusive.) Any other strategy (that I think of) leads to a world of hurt.

In terms of this analogy, it seems that this field might be the equivalent of being in your car, off road, in that heavily-wooded forest and then pressing the pedal to the metal (with no chance of a brake?). If we were in a wide open space or a big broad smooth straight road (AKA we had few unhelpful habits of thoughts, words and behaviors), then we could have some fun (or, at least, adventure) pressing the pedal to the metal with this field.

But when we’re in that heavily-wooded forest (AKA we have a lot of unhelpful habits of thoughts, words and behaviors), pressing on that pedal so heavily might, in real life, be far less comfortable than it could seem “on paper,” you see?


I understand your analogy, but wouldn’t this field turn the big tree into a bush? Since it affects the subconscious and the psyche, wouldn’t this field also remove our personal beliefs and limitations regarding our ability to create a million dollars? Basically any obstacle will get smaller and smaller until it no longer exist. And since it affects the physical and extra dimensional (higher self dimension maybe) That same heavily wooded forest (the playing field) will become more spaced out and open. Allowing light to penetrate through the deep forest (light being the direct path you need to take to become a millionaire) over time with every use of this field?

I point out higher self dimension, for instance, a soul that came into this world to experience the suffering of poverty throughout their life. How would this field override something they agreed to experience in this life. Can their higher self prevent the field from working with that person?


The attract wealth from YouTube slowly making my financial return back to normal again… Weird but it works. Maybe try it guys and see.


Yes I recently added it back to my playlist. Definitely an old gem I have been sleeping on for awhile. Never underestimate the og audios; some are just as powerful as the new and updated ones


I think the field can help negotiate with limiting beliefs and inspire change over time but I think if you have some major blocks it won’t zap you into not having them, despite whether we would want that or not.

Here’s a good way to know if you have blocks: focus on what you want and keep doing it.

If you find yourself automatically talking yourself out of focusing on it, you know you have blocks.

These aren’t impossible to deal with, I suggest journaling.

And sometimes, when your blocks ARE going away and beliefs ARE changing, I believe Abraham said this, “all hell breaks loose” for a little while. It’s a thing. I believe @anon14224340 recently experienced something like that. His beliefs were changing and he was (and is) leveling up- and all these people from the past started popping up at him physically.

Ride it out. Keep working toward better beliefs for yourself

There also at a certain point requires a change in how you think life in general works. If you grew up with limiting beliefs about money and you haven’t challenged them then there are only so many ways the field can help you, only so many avenues if you’re not to open to all or most avenues.

You have to be what some teachers have called “a cooperative component,” meaning you are actively focused on what you want, you aren’t talking yourself out of it, you’re willing to act upon inspiration, and you have a gratitude practice or just some way of feeling good regularly.

Of course we’re all human and maybe aren’t cooperative every day. That’s okay too. Just keep focusing and working through.

I also think timing from the higher self is an important part.

I’ve manifested things months after I’ve intended them mostly because I’ve been kind of desperate and I couldn’t let go. I put them on too high of a pedestal.

No matter what you think of the desire (and here’s the hardest part) you have to be above the desire. Meaning if I want a certain amount of money I have to get my consciousness to a point where that wouldn’t be SUCH a big deal to get it. It can still be a big-ish deal, but there has to be a little space.

Kind of works like that. Have you ever noticed that the people you aren’t that attracted to are all over you but the people you’re SO into not as much (until you gain enough confidence to think of it in a more relaxed way)

So what am I saying. Fields are amazing tools, but you have to help them out too.

I’m not going to decide a health field is just going to fix a two pack a day habit finishing it off with a handle of Rum every day. And I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, I’m just being really descriptive.


Let me start off by saying that I don’t know and that I don’t have this field. I’m only chiming in at this point to offer ideas to the friends here who are asking “Why is this happening?” and I’m looking to the description (and what I understand about the human mind, my life experience and how I understand manifestation to work) to come up with the ideas that I’m sharing here, with the intention of helping them with their purchase as well as to get the experience that they’re wanting. With that said, let me answer your good questions!

There’s the rub. We don’t really know that, do we? (And I’ll get back to this in a moment.)

We can use my analogy to sort of answer your question. “How would my analogy turn the big tree into a bush?” Well, if you ram your car into that big tree hard enough and often enough, that’ll do it. IOW, I agree with you. When you do that sort of ramming, basically any obstacle will get smaller and smaller until it no longer exists. But I hope you agree with me that can be a really rough ride, isn’t it?

And the field’s description sort of talks about this:

Those are the main words from the description which really address the subconscious and belief issues we’ve been talking about here and those words really fit with the idea of forcefully (and, perhaps, repeatedly) ramming their “car” into a big tree. (And that’s only one big tree of that heavily-wooded forest of my analogy. Oy! You feelin’ me?)

The other words from the description about the subconscious are

The description is very consistent in its tone of “this field is sort of strong-arming you into your goal of having a million USD.” And that’s fine. That’s an approach. I’m not disputing that or even judging anyone who wants to take that approach. But I hope you’ll agree with me that there’s a potential for this strong-arm approach to create a sort of rough ride. Think an arm-wrestling match, where both sides struggle and strain to accomplish their respective goals. (And, again, I’m not even condemning arm-wrestling matches. :slightly_smiling_face: )

I have to share with you that I, personally, don’t buy into the idea that any “soul” comes into this world to experience any kind of suffering throughout their entire life. It is my opinion (and you know what they say about opinions¹, don’t you?) a soul may decide to come into this life to experience poverty for some period of time for a variety of reasons, such as for birthing powerful desires of abundance, for demonstrating to themselves their profound worthiness, for the exhilaration of exercising their talents and skills to move towards what they now want, etc. It is also my opinion that we (both us in our physical bodies as well as our Higher Selves or souls or whatever “piece” of us you want to talk about) are always updating and amending the decisions that we made as we move through this life experience.

Now, I’m not telling you this to criticize your world view nor to try to convince you to my way of thinking. I’m just sharing this to let you know that we have a mismatch of premises for the next part of your discussion.

¹In my country, we have saying about opinions: “Opinions are like as*holes. Everyone has one, and most of them stink.” :laughing:


exactly. Great insight!!!


YES!!! I agree

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