Woven Worlds - Millions Revisited

I’m currently working on and launching a crypto currency project… I won’t bore with details, but if anyone likes crypto and is interested you can DM me. We are very new and have just launched our private sale with organic growth and no marketing yet so it is planned to be a steady slow growth for us… Cut to me buying this field and within less than 24 hours after I started listening the amount invested in our private sale over DOUBLED. I am already building this project which will be huge and coming upon incredible opportunities, I will keep updating this thread as this field is giving me a huge boost.


These, are unfortunately, self restricting beliefs.

People make earning money seem like a bigger task than it is. To make a million in a year, you need to sell a £55 or 55 USD, whatever, to 50 people a day. That’s it. Or, alternatively, a 27.50 product, to 100 people.

With the world being so connected now, out of say, modestly, 1 billion potential customers - you only need to sell your product to 50 of those a day, for a year. So out of a billion people, you only need to convince 20,075 of those to convert. That’s like 0.002%.

Even bizzarre ideas, that you think would never make a penny, make millions, relatively easily.

A common problem is, people think you have to do something MASSIVE in order to make “a lot” of money. This simply, is not true. The biggest problem is, people explain themselves out of even attempting to do anything, through these false negative beliefs.


I don’t think becoming a millionare is easy. Even with this field. And don’t think that everyone is against you on your thoughts. I know why you think this way. I honestly used to think this way all the time as well and convince myself out of many ideas or possible ventures. The road to a million is an arduous one and unless we have the most creative idea in the world and all the resources and resolve to make it happen, we tend to lose motivation really quickly. The road to success is also paved with many failures so… getting discouraged is often the case early on.

But have people manifested millions before? As in they visualized having millions, worked at it day in and day out for a long time with all the resolve necessary… and then finally started hitting those seven zeros? Yes. Many of these millionares would say they would do the visualization practice. Some of them, use other kinds of manifestation practices that they stuck to on a daily basis (vision boards count as well). But beyond sticking to it, no matter how many times they failed, they also kept trying. Kept pushing forward. And eventually, they succeeded.

In my eyes, visualization is like keeping your gps on and seeing the destination that you’re driving towards ahead. It’s keeping your eyes on the road so you know where you’re driving. Your subconscious having that level of clarity will keep directing you towards it. Especially, when it becomes habitual to visualize having this sort of money. It becomes an internal belief over time that overrides all the limiting beliefs you have about money…til, you know that money is yours. You know you deserve it. And you can already taste it.

So I think what this field does is quite special. It does the visualization for you. You don’t have to do that part anymore. The concept of having the millions and the fulfilment from that is the end goal. And reality is pushing you torwards that… so as long as you consciously push yourselves towards it. You do have to try. You do have to believe as well. Because if you’d rather believe all the reasons something just wouldn’t work, your closing your mind to all the possibilities in which it could work or even other possible ventures that come from being that level of open minded.

All I’m saying is… I know what you mean by if people think this field will just make them millions easily, then they are sadly mistaken. I agree. But I do mention this in the main post, ‘this is in the pursuit of making money and it won’t just fall in your lap.’ That being said, you work towards it, maintain a positive mindset and drive, I do believe the ideas and path ahead to it begin springing to mind.

(Not convincing you to purchase by the way. If you feel this way about it, I’d recommend waiting on it or not going for it)


Join this thread and see what will lead my life soon:)

@Desiree thanks for the gift❤


(welcome back to the forum!)


I love this audio! It makes me want the things I want more thus creating a motivation to go get them. Totally worth it, I would say. :D It’s a must-buy.


Did Captain produce this song?

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I could read your essays everyday, in this thread they’re so motivating and I don’t even have the audio yet!


This won’t instantly deposit a million dollars in your account, so someone less concerned with worldly things to see that their needs are easily met and best path to ensure they’re still on one of the best timelines. And you get choices. It’s always good to have financial options, even if you choose not to take them.


Well. Considering it’s from this field or the enhanced Glory I have. Or the abundance.

Today I discovered that someone just bought 6 of my pictures on getty!

Here is the proof.


It’s an update from March btw. It shows up just today.


When i bought this one i had already bought for a few days Contentment then Financial Protector, it all makes sense now why without planning it, i did it that way.

Full harmony of events unfolding.

This review is gonna be short short because its been just like 3 days i think but ive still noticed 2 crucial things.

I guess guided by a silent inner voice i decided to work first for a while with Contentment and also because i had just recently acquired Oligarch, Clurichaun, Financial Freedom.

And then for sure i knew i would buy this, once healing or releasing a feeling of discontent and disconnection ive had coming and going like a little hole that wasnt closing, always ever present deep down the last few months.

But when WW - Magic came out i was like you know what lets do it already! Things will accommodate themselves and they obviously work synergistically.

So i bought those 2. And decided to play them alone to sleep. Like 3 loops each.

First Magic then millions

Something beautiful happened when listening to Magic, that i will share next in its post.

But what ive noticed with this field since day one. That means 3 days.

Is that upon waking up (which has been much earlier than usual) without alarm, and even going to bed late, i feel a rush of energy pushing me to just do things. Like plan my day, like is building momentum inside, like its so ready to explode lol, it feels like if i already had a super busy agenda or if i was the ceo of a big company so… no time to waste and im like jesus ok but what i do what i do…

For those that dont know, ive finally left my last job. And just like that with a few shy ideas that are just in seed format still lol i stepped into my independence haha so of course i dont have a clear pathway marked yet.

Just a profound and certain feeling of success coming my way. Im already in that vibration put it that way. I fully feel it. (Through other fields first tho, Contentment, Financial Protection, Unbreakable, Rite of Passage, New Perspective etc and some NFts, all they pushed me forward)

So i kinda laugh because this field strongly pushes you and im like a chicken without head running like hold on hold on… let me just uhm sit down and write down the options i have and i guess new ones etc

And it feels like if the field itself was telling me:

I dont know, but move!! Dont waste time, find more ways, do whatever, moveeeeee, keep going, finish the courses you are taking. And look for more. Action woman action.

And i feel it running inside of me like its not someone annoying my ears like a boss giving an ultimatum to finish a job no. Its Me. Its the future Me i supposed, i dont know how else to explain it. It feels fantastic tho.

Such a big push that spontaneously comes from Me and it keeps growing, once the rush settles tho, then comes clarity. Of action, plans, etc.

And then I suddenly start remembering people and things that make me go … ohhhhh hmmm i could try to contact this person and ask them (and right after that big voice inside of me: DOOOO IT. NOW.)

Oh and ive felt extremely energized seriously ready for a big day.

say it loud for the ones in the back

This - field - pushes - you - to - find - the - ways.

Dont bother wondering but how? But where? But i dont think so. Just jump in.

Opportunities are unfolding to me its all im gonna say.
Ideas keep popping in my head.
Powerful people that i knew but werent close, start being bridged to me.

Nothing major has happened yet. Because you just dont get up and find a million dollar making breakfast for you.

But you know what?

I KNOW it will come and faster that i could have ever imagined. I just know simple as that.


Every time I glance at the cover art for this track my mind thinks it sees “I’m High”. And I love that.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. :laughing:


I just took the plunge. I look forward to being able to give a detailed review like Luna above. For now I can say, the energy here is really good. I mean really good. Gonna have to wait a little for my brain to translate what I’m sensing.

It’s a feeling like nothing can stop me. All the obstacles of the past present future just don’t matter anymore. F all that crap. We’re moving to something really good now. Screw the past. Screw the haters. We’re going.

Love the audio. Especially that effect in the last minute. Don’t know what you call that but it’s sweet.


Don’t forget to play your Capital Governance along with this, so that you can put your millions to work for you. .:wink:


So. My 7 hour review. Feels like this field is Overcome Procrastination on steroids. And Attention and Focus on steroids. I have a lot of no fap energy. Yeah TMI I know, but this will be important to someone. A lot of that energy with no where to direct it. And this field is like “Yeah I can direct that for you”. And is doing quite a good job of it.

Focusing on what needs to be done. Taking action. Feeling that push mentioned. It’s good.

Noticing some perceptual changes. Some harsh truths I needed to face in order to deal with stuff and take the right actions are now seeming not so harsh. It’s like “you can face this, you can deal with this” and I find myself doing so.

Tasks I needed to complete don’t seem so hard or undoable as before either.


I’m going to give this field a go. Like Atreides said above, I also have a lot of nf energy that it feels like I have a nuclear reaction within me that can either turn into a nuclear power plant and supply me with an abundance of energy or a nuclear bomb and destroy me from the inside out. For awhile I have been discouraged cause of my current financial situation (which involves massive debt) to start doing anything too risky but I’m hoping this field gives me the push and confidence I need. I will be adding this to my playlist which involves spiritualityzone’s 2 million in 2022, vibration of millionaire, and wealth program and also sapien’s capital governance and financial protection nft. With everything in the playlist, I should have everything I need to atleast minimum put me on the track of wealth/ abundance! If I notice anything major, will update!


If your objective / goal is to get an indefinite job position in the public administration of your country, which although it does not report an income of millions of dollars, it does result in a more than decent and stable salary over time, reaching with it the so longed for “financial freedom” that we all deserve (if you pass the exams and reach the necessary grade to get one of the jobs that are previously offered by a public call, it is for life, they cannot fire you or reduce your income), do you recommend this audio?

I am very attracted to the anti-procrastination and recharging force of the will that many of you transmit, so necessary to maintain your spirits and the constant study to which I dedicate my life, but of course, my routine is very basic: study - eat - rest - sleep, I don’t have an active social-work life (quite the contrary) to weave a network of contacts that will bring me “that million” in the future. What I want is to pass these damn exams at once and with the best possible grade to get the long-awaited job, to live in peace and carefree, with a good economic position that allows me my little leisure vices such as a good meeting with my friends, reading, cinema and traveling :grinning:

P.S.: The minute it came out I already got Woven Worlds – Contentment and I already feel a lot of the peace of mind that you say, I’m not so worried about uncertain futures, but I do feel necessary, after years of wear and tear, that push to keep the motivation and will.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read my moment of doubt and emotional release, I hope you can help me clear my doubts about whether this audio is worth it or not based on my goals (and excuse my abuse of the google corrector) :kissing_heart:


Just for fun :joy:

I think Sammy and captain using day/night

Of course they are now millionaire…

$ to £ converted example :joy::joy:


Yes go for it. As @Atreides said above - this field makes you motivated to do what you need to do. It gives me energy and focus. I can tell listening to this before work makes me more productive. I work in sales so I am not limited how much I can earn - it’s up to me how much I sell. And this field gives me the right mindset and energy to earn money.
There is more to this field but I canť really tell because I also use Financial Freedom NFT. So they work together really nice :muscle: