Wu Wizard NFT: Testimonials

Yes, there is also TCM energy included as part of the General of the Legends functions. :slightly_smiling_face:


@donut Captain is filled with and has access to immense knowledge that we can’t even fathom. When Wu Wizard was first released we didn’t know why Guan Yu’s image was used. We had left it up to Captain on the design and asked him. We didn’t get any response since he was super busy with other releases.

After some extensive research, I found a teeny tiny blurb about Guan Yu that might give a hint.

often also serves as “Wu Sheng”.

Now Wu in Chinese means ‘shamen’ so connect the dots … hopefully they are correct until Captain fills in the gaps. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


this is amazing. I’m going to do some research into this. I didn’t know that about Guan Yu.


Please share with us what you find! :relaxed:


Not much I found but so far, there is folding of God Guan Yu into shamanism by certain tribes


I smashed my finger really badly in the car door. Thought I would lose my finger (and mind from the pain haha). Asked wu to help (along with some twisted sage wanding). After initial swelling, a week later the black blood under my nail is showing spots that is changing to pink / normal. This has never happened before (with other nail accidents on my toes). The nail did not fall off even though more than 50% was filled with blood. It coagulated so fast the day it happened that I couldn’t even drain it with the heated paper clip method (which sucked), but now I am not losing the nail and it is magically healing. Also the speed of swelling resolving etc was very rapid.


So glad you are healing rapidly with the use of this field, donut! Nice addition with the twisted sage wand. Love those guys! :slight_smile:


Wondering if this NFT is in a phantom wallet? @Starlight


Yes, it is.


Hello , i read through the thread and realize this is a servitor. May i know, if i don’t use the function of the NTF, where would the servitor be? Like…i have concern about having a servitor next to me all the time, whether i need it or not. Thank you!

hmm… :thinking:

I don’t know if this notion has been addressed yet… As far as I know, they won’t necessarily be “right next to you” but they will have some type of ongoing connection to you.

I think it’s similar to having your friend’s phone number in your phone. They might be a bit at a distance, but they’re always accessible if you apply your awareness and choose to connect.

In the case of the servitor, if your mind is fully distant then it’s more likely that they’ll be energetically “distant” from you as well.

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Thank you @Noesis

Yeah, this is what i am thinking too…like you will have a mark or something on your invisible body for it to recognize you.

It seems like all the smart healing product is servitor or spiritual animals like the nestling.

I will think more about it. Thank you!

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@Mucc Yes, I guess you can call it a servitor but it’s much more than that. The energies get integrated with you so you can do the healing work. If that is of concern to you, then I would just stick with smart fields.


Thank you!!


There is no mark on your invisible body so that the servitor can recognize you. It doesn’t work like that from my understanding.