Wu Wizard NFT: Testimonials

What do you get when you mix Traditional Chinese Medicine, ancient Chinese shamanism, and herbal medicine?

Wu Wizard! :mage:

We can trace the origins of Chinese Medicine back to the past shamanistic beliefs and practices. There is clear evidence of a shamanic culture existing in early Asian civilization, and many shamanistic practices are believed to lie at the foundation of Chinese Medicine. By the sixth century B.C., the link between shamans and the medical practitioner was clear.

Our powerful and magical shaman healer, Wu Wizard, recognizes and heals the influences that cause disharmony, trigger diseases or disorders in the body.
It has the complete skills, knowledge, and ability to access and manipulate any of the 2000 acupuncture, acupressure points, and all meridian networks on the human body for optimal and balanced health for the NFT owner.

Wu Wizard is your personal, in-house TCM physician! It can do a full body scan with a diagnosis and herbal elixir infusion treatment (automated or manual) of any diseases, illness, disorders, regenerative processes, or pain alleviation in the NFT owner’s or another person’s body.

Wu Wizard is also a Master Herbalist. It has complete and ever-evolving knowledge of all medicinal plants, herbs, fungi, minerals, animal parts, TCM, Chinese herbalism, and Chinese shamanic blends and alchemical techniques.

And there is much much more :zipper_mouth_face:

This was my last group project. Thanks to the group members for helping with the ideas to make this a powerful health-focused NFT. :sparkling_heart: :sparkles: It was important for me to create an optimal holistic Health project and I’m so so happy that we got this and more!

Much love and gratitude to @Captain_Nemo for creating this incredible gift for us so that we can be our best healthy selves!! :tada: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:


Some great testimonials from the group after one week of use … :mage:

I had one of the best night’s sleep I had in a long time!
Connected with the Wu Wizard for a few minutes before I went to bed and then asked for a body scan and to help me get to sleep. I felt a subtle glow and instantly became very relaxed. I only got 5 hours of sleep, but I was completely refreshed when I woke up

very promising start!

I’ve never felt so many chills/frissons with any other field tbh

I’ll only be getting a few hours so let’s see how I feel in the morning. I asked for the peach’s infusion and to activate sleep rejuvenation every night for my mother and I

This morning after the release I did ask for a body scan. I felt a lot of sensations throughout my body like tingle, heat, burning sensation, sharp short pains. Pretty incredible!

About to infuse my gatorade with something :joy:

Just infused the keyboard and mouse at work with a “Hand rejuvenation and arthritis” remedy,.

I asked Wu Wizard to create and infuse me with an herbal remedy to tackle any lethargy so that I’m full of energy and positivity as I wake up. Less than 3 mins later, I bounced out of bed and got my day started. It was 7 am. On a Saturday. I’m still feeling energized and in a good mood a few hours later.

I can’t stress enough how powerful Wu Wizard is. And fast acting with the healings and herbal infusions!

Just wanted to mention how instant the feedback is when working with the Wu Wizard, nothing like I experienced before. Tingling sensations moving around my body when I ask for a body scan, or staying in a particular area when I intend for that part to be worked on more deeply.

I agree! It’s fast and noticeable.

One thing that I started doing last night was asking Wu Wizard to infuse my drink and food with herbal weight loss remedies :grin:

My little one hasn’t been well since the weekend, on Saturday afternoon he was restless due to illness, so I requested WuWiz to help him sleep and also help out with fever (102.4C) and by mid night he was out of fever and well recovered by Sunday afternoon. He went out to play in the evening……which was very very surprising and blessing

I’m mainly using its powers for general health and wellbeing.

i’ve been getting much better sleep as a result of the sleep aspect of the NFT. It’s an amazing feature.

I ask the Wu Wizard to simultaneously do body scan treatment while specifically asking it to help me fall asleep in addition to completely infusing me and saturating my entire body with the Peaches of Immortality for x amount of hours. I can tell that its been making me fall asleep deeper and faster very quickly.
It’s shocking how effective it is. I’ve also found that i’m not groggy when I wake up in the morning, even when getting far less than the ideal amount of sleep.

I have the Acu-Automaton field, so I wanted to see what it would be like to request an acupuncture treatment from the Wu Wizard. It feels exactly the same, and it can only get better the more it learns from all of us

I asked for an acupuncture treatment on my face and felt little pricks on my face. lol!


My sincere congratulations @Starlight
wonderful project, great concept :)

(no, don’t include it in the group yet lol)


Thank you so much, @Ugninis !! That means a lot. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Being my last project, I’m so proud and grateful to have this in my life.


Very interesting project, looking forward to read more experiences over time,

Lovely art especially



Thanks! Same

Captain comes up with the best designs. This one is really interesting… it’s almost like it’s moving… very dynamic.


When I got the mandala after the release, the purple color caught my eye.
I did a little googling:

Purple in China is a symbol of nobility (but it has never been the color of rulers).

The main Taoist symbol is considered to be “the purple cloud coming from the East”. This phrase is used by the Chinese to refer to the followers of the way of Tao - mortal people who are on their way to immortality. :grin: :tropical_drink: :+1:





Wuuu Tang!!


Wow… Thank you for sharing this!! I knew about purple as a symbol of nobility but didn’t know about this phrase. So good!


Also, Wu is a Chinese term translating to “shaman” or “sorcerer” or “wizard”, originally the practitioners of Chinese shamanism or “Wuism” (巫教 wū jiào ).


Amazing! As a Chinese person I can’t believe I missed this! Congratulations on your project :rose:


Thanks @donut ! Congratulations goes to the whole group. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I can’t believe it either! :stuck_out_tongue: You might find a trade or sale in the near future. :wink:


Yes the art on this one is truly captivating! I can’t help but want to stare at it! The purple and green armor :heart_eyes: We were truly blessed to have this project created when we did! Thanks Dream!


Hmm, interesting.

This is my actual profession. Both TCM and the Wu. :slight_smile:


Ehh… :eyes:



Yerp. :mage:


Will DM you


All good, I’m out for the evening. But will respond when I’ve got the time. :+1:

